I wince.

“I mean, there’s nothing wrong with working with you. I did enjoy it, and I still think it’s better for our friendship that we don’t work together, but there’s no way I could improve there. I couldn’t ever move up the ladder and I would never make as much money, or more than you do. That’s my point. I had to leave. I do wish I didn’t leave you in a bind like I did, and I’m sorry for doing so. I have no excuse for that. So, I found another job and I’m figuring out what I want to do, so I can go back to school next fall.”

“That’s great.” I can’t seem to think of anything else to say other than that.

Rose has no problem keeping the conversation going for me. I eventually gather my wits about me and tell her that I’m happy for her and I hope everything works out. Then, I get back to work. I keep looking at my employees, wondering if they think they’re working in dead-end jobs as well. In a way, I guess they are. But there will eventually come a time when someone will be manager level, someone other than me. I haven’t felt comfortable doing that yet, so I’ve always done it.

At some point, I’ll need someone I can trust to take care of things in case I want to take a vacation. I’ll need someone to teach the classes in case I’m not here again or if I can’t for some reason. Maybe I should start looking into doing that now? Maybe this is a case where sooner is better than later. I don’t know.

I leave two girls in the front and disappear into my office to get some paperwork done before my class tonight. Paperwork is so easy to get lost in. I can work for hours and hours without realizing I’ve been working for so long.

As is the case today.

“Knock, knock.”

My head snaps up at the sound of Brayden’s voice as he pushes my office door open. I stand and move around my desk to kiss him. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

“You have a class tonight, right?”

“Yeah.” Where is he going with this?

“I would like to observe if that’s okay.”

My eyebrows pull together in confusion. “Observe? Why?” A flush of anxiety also hits me.

“You’ve seen me work; I want to see you work.”

“You’ll be bored,” I blurt out, the anxiety getting the best of me.

“How can I get bored watching you?”

I roll my eyes, even though I totally just swooned. “If you want to stay, you can stay.” This feels like it’s going to end very badly. Brayden flashes me a grin. I check the time. “Come help me set up.” He follows me to the room in the very back of the shop where I hold my classes. Today’s is a general sewing class. Like a loyal little student who wants to suck up to the teacher, Brayden helps me set out the materials. They bring their own sewing machines; I provide fabric and a few other small things to do a mini project.

We finish up when the first person walks in. She stops short when she sees Brayden. Her eyes widen, her mouth parts a little, and I wonder if I looked like that when I first saw him. Brayden clears his throat. “Where do you want me to be?”

“Just grab a seat and sit somewhere.” I leave him to meet with my first student and help get her set up. As more students come filing in, more of them react the same way, especially when one of them is a Carolina Rebels fan and actually knows who he is. I have to suffer watching her fan girl, get an autograph, and a photo before we can start class. It’s not that bad. I mostly feel bad because Brayden seemed uncomfortable.

Once I make my introduction, I forget he’s in the room, I’m so focused on my job. Apparently, a few new “fans” appear within my students by the time the class is over. Of the twenty students, five more of them decide to get a picture with Brayden once class ends. I clean up the room while he manages to smile for the photos.

“Are you still glad you came?” I ask once the last person finally leaves.

“Mostly,” he says as he stands.

“Not a fan of fans, are you?” I ask as he walks over to take my hand.

Brayden frowns and begins to lead me out of the room. “It’s not that. Fans are great. The attention is what I don’t particularly care for, especially when they tell me I’m awesome or that they love me. I always feel the urge to tell them I’m a jackass off the ice.”

“You are not.” I grab my purse from the office, release the employee who was in the front, and it’s just us as I go about the nightly routine of shutting the store down. “Overall, I mean,” I add, flashing him a teasing smile.

“Anything I can help you with?”

I wave him off. “I can get it done faster alone.”

Brayden wanders around the store until it’s time to go. He walks me to my car, but instead of opening the door for me, he presses me against the door. His hands are cold when they slide underneath my shirt, causing me to shiver. Brayden rests his forehead against mine.

“Stay with me tonight?”

“You stay with me. Your bed is too fucking small, darlin’.”