Just the mention of her prize is all it takes for my mind to clear except for the one task set before me. “Are you sure you deserve it?” I ask.

She flashes me a quick smile as she drops her towel and walks backward out of the bathroom. “Maybe, maybe not. You can find a way to punish me during if you think I don’t.”

This girl was made for me. I’m certain of it. I stalk after her, eliciting a squeal when I pick her up and laughter when I drop her onto the bed. Laughter which quickly turns into a moan as my mouth touches her body. One hand dives into my hair, grabs a fistful, and yanks as I slip two fingers inside of her. The fingertips of the other bites into my shoulder. The heels of her feet dig into my back. My fingers move fast, her back arches, and I nip her sensitive skin.

“Oh, fuck, Brayden,” she curses as she begins to reach the height of pleasure. Her body continues to tighten until I watch her finally fall apart with a long moan. She’s splayed out on her bed, her body loose and relaxed, and her eyes are closed.

I kiss each of her inner thighs before glancing at her clock on the nightstand. It’s half-past seven. She’ll likely be late. “I have to go.”

“What?” Deanna lifts her head. “Why?” She sits up, causing me to stand upright.

“You have to get ready for work. You’ll be late.”

A quick glance to her clock confirms I’m right. She frowns and cups me through my towel. “But I want more.” She loosens my towel. “I can do without drying my hair and I’ll put my makeup on once I get there. I can look terrible every now and then. Hell, I’ll hole up in my office if I look really bad.”

“There’s no way you’ll ever look bad enough to need to hole up in your office all day.”

She smiles. “Thank you. Now, reach over there, grab a condom, and get on this bed with me.”

The mention of a condom reminds me of her recently wondering if she was pregnant. Fuck. Her pregnant with my kid? I still can’t wrap my mind around such a thing.

“Brayden?” Deanna’s voice along with the fact that her hand wraps around my cock snaps me out of my thoughts.

I reach over to grab the condom, letting her hand and the thought of sex force the rest of my thoughts out of my mind. Thinking about it during a time like this just cements the fact that while we’re definitely still together, we have a lot to work through.


He came over this morning, we talked, and we had sex. Things are slowly returning to normal for us. It gives me peace of mind and allows me to go into work with a clear head, which I very much need. I’m interviewing a few people for my newly vacated position. I glance down at myself. I really should’ve taken the time to do myself up better. Putting sex with Brayden ahead of looking decent as an employer might not have been my best idea.

Oh, well.

Just before the first person is set to arrive, there’s a knock on my office door. “Come in,” I call out. The last person I expect to walk into my office is Rose. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, hello to you too.”

“Hello. Now, what are you doing here? I don’t have time. I have interviews.” I glare at her since she’s the reason I have interviews in the first place. One of the worst parts of this job is interviews. I hate conducting them. I’d rather fire someone. Seriously.

“Oh, I didn’t know. I was hoping we could do lunch.”

“Maybe tomorrow unless you want to go around three?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

She leaves and my first interviewee is escorted in. I have an uneasy feeling about meeting with her, but I’m not sure why. I’ll find out soon enough. My first two people are duds, but the third? She might be a winner.

I finish with her just in time to leave and meet Rose at a restaurant across the street by three. She’s already at a table and waiting, looking anxious. Not a good sign.

“What’s up?” I ask as I take my seat. “How are things going?”

“Good. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, actually.”


“I feel like I owe you a true explanation of what happened.”

Oh, god. I’m not sure I’m prepared to hear this. The waitress interrupts us to take our orders, and we order our usual; we would come here often when we didn’t want to travel far. The moment she walks away, Rose takes a deep breath.

“I don’t know if I’m going to say this in the right way, so forgive me if I don’t. I felt like I had a bit of a mid-life crisis early. With your mom dying and you being so wishy washy with those guys like usual, but then seemingly moving on. It, in a weird way, made me realize I have nothing going for me. Not like you do, with or without a man. You own a business, Deanna. I worked in a dead-end job.”