“What is it with women and babies?” EJ mumbles. “She’s my kid. Leave her alone.”

“Women like to get their baby fix, even if they don’t want a baby,” Deanna answers. She shrugs. “Plus, they’re plain cute, and your Bree is freaking adorable.”

EJ sighs. “All this talk about Bree, I’m heading out.”

I’m ready to leave myself, so Deanna and I walk out to the parking lot. “How was the game?” I ask her.

“Well, I don’t think Sydney liked me too much because of the whole Zane mess. The girls seemed nice, I guess. Kinda nosy, but I like Meredith. As far as the actual game? It’s too fast for me. It made sense when Sylvia explained it, but I couldn’t seem to match it to what was happening on the ice. I tried. And why didn’t you tell me that you’re the captain? Or you know, your last name yet? I couldn’t even find you on the ice.”

I laugh. “I didn’t realize you didn’t know my last name. The captain thing isn’t that big of a deal.” Besides, I’m not so sure I’m doing a good job lately. On the ice? I don’t worry about that so much as off the ice. I don’t think I’ve ever doubted myself as much as I have this season.

“Brayden?” Deanna tugs on my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Did you hear me?”

Nope. Didn’t realize we stopped walking because we’re at her car either. “What is it?” I ask.

“Are you coming to my house?” She grabs the lapels of my suit jacket to pull me closer.

I absentmindedly run my hand over my hair. “Rain check? You’ll keep me up for another few hours and I need some sleep.”

“Yeah, sure.” She stretches up onto her tiptoes to kiss me. Maybe I should rethink going home. Alone. To a cold, empty bed. The longer she kisses me, the more I think I made a mistake. I push her against her car, leaning into her. My mind quietens as my body comes alive against hers. Her breasts rub against my chest with her every breath, her hands grip my neck, and her hips push against mine. And then she groans whe

n when my hands find her ass to squeeze and pull her closer to me.

Regretfully, I end the kiss. “Go see Otis. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She shakes her head, but it’s with a smile. “Can’t believe you’re leaving me hanging like that.”

I chuckle. “Go.”

We part ways. I arrive home to an empty house, but a mind full of Deanna. Damn woman. I should’ve gone home with her. I crawl into bed and text her.

Me: Get home safe?

Deanna: Yes. Otis thinks I was gone far too long today because he wants to cuddle.

She attached a picture of her in bed with Otis right next to her, his big head on her chest.

Me: He would probably miss you if you were gone for 30 minutes. Get some sleep, darlin’.

Deanna: Yes, sir!

I laugh, plug my phone into the charger, and get some sleep myself.

Me: I’ll be there in an hour. We’re going on a date.

My phone starts ringing. “Hello, darlin’.”

“How can you tell me we’re going on a date when you haven’t even asked me out!”

“Do I really need—”

“This is a bit major for us, don’t you think? And you’re depriving me of the simple pleasure of having you ask! What the hell? How can you just spring this on me, Brayden?”

“Are you done?” I ask.


“I’ll be there in an hour. Wear workout gear.” I hang up and smile. She sounded pretty flustered. It’s about time she got a taste of her own medicine. She hasn’t been too bad about yanking me out of my comfort zone lately, so maybe I should feel guilty. It’s no wonder she liked doing it to me if it’s this much fun.