Hockey seems like a fast game, but maybe it’s because I can’t keep up. When the game is over, the scoreboard says we’ve won. Yeah, I couldn’t even keep track of how many times everyone scored. Brayden told me to wait for him, so I do. My muscles tense the moment the little girl with the green seahorse—Savannah was her name, I believe—shouts, “Z!”

“What’s up, Savannah?” I hear him say.

I thought Brayden said we wouldn’t run into Zane? He probably doesn’t want to see me! I sink into my seat, hoping to go unnoticed.

The room suddenly quietens a bit. I risk glancing over my shoulder to see that Brayden has arrived, which alerts Zane to my presence and now he’s staring at me. Brayden ignores him completely as he comes over, holds out his hand, and the second I take it, he leads us out of the room.

His hand is tight in mine. His body is stiff. Brayden did not like walking in there and waltzing me out with all those eyes on us. That makes two of us.


We stop, but I’m the only one who turns at the sound of Zane’s voice.

“Can I talk to you for a second?”

I glance up at Brayden, who looks down at me. “It’s up to you,” he says softly.

“Don’t go anywhere.” I let go of his hand and hesitantly walk over to Zane. “Hey.”

“Hey. You finally made it to a game.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Sylvia tried to explain it to me, but I couldn’t manage to follow it. What did you want to talk about?” This is so awkward. He keep

s looking at me and flicking his eyes back to where I know Brayden stands with his back to us.

He smiles. “I don’t know. I just wanted to talk to you. How are you doing?” His eyes flick back to Brayden.

“I’m good. How are you?”

He shrugs. “You were clueless that I liked you, weren’t you?”

A knot ties in my stomach. “Basically,” I answer. “I’m sorry, Zane.”

There’s that shrug again. “It’s okay. I was able to work out my frustrations on Brayden, so it’s all good. Hope things work out for you.”

“What are you talking about, you worked them out on Brayden?”

“Deanna, let’s go,” Brayden calls.

“Ah, maybe you should go,” Zane says.

I frown. What are they hiding?

“Deanna,” Brayden repeats with a more demanding tone.

I whirl around to find him facing us now. “Hold your fucking horses, Brayden.” Zane snorts, but stops when I face him. “What did you mean?”

“You’re in good hands, Deanna. I’m sure he’ll tell you.”

“I will, if she’ll get her ass over here so we can leave,” Brayden says loud enough for us to hear.

“We’re going to a bar. You guys should come,” Zane says. When my eyes widen, he laughs. “You told him to hold his fucking horses and he smiled. I’ve seen him smile like once since I’ve known him. I’ll be fine.” He gives me a quick hug before returning to the box.

“Deanna, darlin’, I won’t say it again.”

Slightly stunned, I return to his side. “I’m so confused. You don’t smile around your teammates? What did he mean about that whole frustrations thing?”

“I smile plenty,” Brayden grumbles. “Do you want to go to the bar?”