Deanna has kept the shop up and running well enough, I guess. I don’t know how she has the time with all those men she sees. Meanwhile I’m stuck here, tending to the boring household chores and my husband.

It goes on and on. Occasionally, she talks about something else. Her mother sounds like she was miserable in life. The diary is nothing but complaints.

“What are you doing?” Deanna’s voice is sleepy and accusing.

I glance over my shoulder. “Trying to figure out why you’re here.” I hold up the notebook.

Deanna’s eyes water, filling up and spilling over. “I don’t think she ever loved me,” she whispers. “Why should I even miss her?”

She sits up and I lift myself onto the couch, pulling her into my arms. “I think she was jealous of you.”

“What?” Deanna rears back in surprise. “That makes no sense.”

“She was miserable, Deanna. You were with lots of men, had fun, and had her mother’s shop. Sounded like she wanted your life.”

Deanna leans against me once again, her head in my lap. “That doesn’t make me feel any better, Brayden.”

“I know, darlin’. Let’s head to bed; it’s been a long day for us both.”

She sits up and I send her to my room while I take Otis out. She’s already in bed when I get there.

“How was the game?” she asks as I begin to undress.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Does that mean it was bad?”

“Yeah.” I leave her behind for the bathroom. Otis is lying in my spot when I return, eyeing me with a look like I dare you to tell me to move, but he grumbles and moves to lie behind Deanna’s legs as I get closer to the bed. He props his head on her hip, still eyeing me. Deanna grabs my hand once I’m settled.

“I’m sorry about the game.”

“I’m sorry about your mom.” I pull her closer to me. The tension begins to leave my body and I sigh. To think that if Deanna wasn’t having a bad night, she wouldn’t be here and I would be moping about the game by myself. Now, I get to mope with her.

“I’m sorry for showing up without letting you know. At first, I forgot you had a game. I was upset and wanted you. Then, just being here helped. I didn’t want to leave. If you’d rather me not be here, especially since you had a bad game, I can leave.”

“You’re staying.” I tug her closer. “Show up unannounced all you want. I’ll let you know when it’s an inconvenience.”

She laughs softly. “Thanks.”

My phone rings, and I sigh as I reach for it. Who the fuck is calling me? I relax when I see that it’s my mom. Occasionally, she’ll call me late because she thinks it’s the only time I can talk to her. Or, she’s forgotten something and she’ll call late so she won’t forget the next day.

“Hey, Mom. What’d you forget?”

“You’re in a good mood for how that game went. I’m surprised you’re still awake.”

“I’m trying to sleep, but it hasn’t happened yet.” No need to mention that my mood has improved slightly by seeing Deanna. My gaze moves over to her. She’s turned onto her back and now Otis has his head on her stomach, enjoying her rubbing behind his ears.

“Well, I’ll try to make this quick. You’re on a Canadian swing during Thanksgiving, so what’s the plan?”

Mom does not skip out on Thanksgiving. If I’m out of town, she flies to me and we eat together. But glancing down at Deanna, I wonder what she’s doing for Thanksgiving.

“Give me a second, Mom.” I press the mute button and tap my fingers against Deanna’s arm. “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

“Nothing. Working, probably. I haven’t decided yet.” She nudges Otis away to turn and cuddle against my side. He huffs and moves to the foot of the bed.

“Want to have Thanksgiving with my mom? I’ll be on the road, but—”

Deanna’s nails dig hard into my skin as she pushes herself up. “What?”