“When are you starting?” I ask.

“No time soon. You and hockey take up all my free time so far.”

Just like that, my instinct to be single and keep people away kicks in. “Don’t let me stop you from fixing this place.”

“You aren’t.”

“But you just said—”

“Stop it, Deanna,” he orders, tugging me out of the house. He doesn’t say anything else until we’re in the car. The words drop like a bomb and still the air. “You’re still not my girlfriend, so relax.”

I don’t relax. I’m frozen like the air in the car. Am I happy about what he said? Comforted by it? Relieved? Do I wish for something else? Would I want to see if Brayden could make me a priority in his life, right there next to hockey? Would Mom scold me because I’m thinking I should be next to hockey and not above it? Asking to be above it seems like asking for failure. If Brayden has never been able to accomplish the balance before, I doubt I would be the one that would rise above hockey.

“Here.” Brayden hands me his cell phone. He gives me his password, tells me to find his photo gallery, and directs me to an album. “Look at the photos.”

It’s of another house in similar condition to the one we just left. By the time I finish, we’ve arrived at a house with a sold sign in the front yard. We once again get out of the car and go inside. This house is much nicer. Empty, but nice. The wood floors are some of the prettiest I’ve ever seen. The kitchen is magnificent. It’s the kind of kitchen that makes you want to cook in it and have many family conversations around the island or at the bar.

“Why are we here?” I ask, continuing to be swayed by the beauty of the empty house.

“This is the house from the photos.”

“What? No way.”

Brayden nods with a satisfied smile. I look at the house in an entirely new light, trying to see the rooms as they were in the


“You did it all yourself?”

“Most of it,” he replies.

“Wow. I’m impressed. I have complete confidence that you can fix the depressing house now.”

I can hear his smirk as I examine the master bath. “You doubted me?”

“A little,” I admit.

“The house sold today, so I wanted you to see it before I couldn’t come back anymore.”

“Thanks. I’m glad you showed me.” I really am. I’m totally impressed by this man. From his singing to his ability to fix a house, and I’ve yet to actually see him in his true element.

“Come on.” His arm goes around my waist, but his hand dips to rest on my ass. “Let’s go home so I can feed you and finally fuck you.”

That might just be the best thing he’s said today.


“I hired her.”

I glance over at EJ. “The girl from yesterday?” I’ve already forgotten her name.

“Raelynn, yeah. I went with my gut, so I think she’ll work out even with Jackson.”

I frown in confusion. “Who’s Jackson?”

“Her five-year-old son. She’s a single mom.” He’s stretching on the ice and I wonder why he waited until now, right before a game, to tell me this news.

“Wait a second. She and her son now live with you?”