“What do you want?” I ask.

“To keep seeing you like I do now,” she answers easily.

“How were things with Zane?” I need to know what kind of issue it’ll be if I do keep seeing her. “Like they are with me?”

She shakes her head. “I mean, we did go out a few times in the beginning. I forgot about that until Rose brought it up, but it’s been mostly sex.”

“How long have you been seeing him?”

“At least since December or January, I think. We were going to a hotel when we met because I don’t let guys come here and he said he didn’t want to go back to his place because of his roommate.”

“Fuck.” This is crazy. “I was his roommate; he was living with me until he found a place.”

Deanna’s eyes widen in surprise. “He just said that he was new and crashing with a teammate.”

“So, you’ve been fucking him for a long time.”

“Well, not really,” she responds almost defensively. “He was gone for most of the summer; that cuts it down a little. He’s not the longest guy I’ve seen. There wasn’t anything between us but sex. I mean, he’s asked me out a few times. Like, most recently, he tried to get me to go to some Halloween party, but I always said no.”

I start laughing because this is absolutely insane. “That would’ve been my Halloween party. I host one every year, but I didn’t go because I was with you.”

She smiles. “Seems like our paths could’ve crossed many times.”


“But Zane shouldn’t give you problems after the awkwardness is over. I mean, he’s never been here. I’ve already told you that you know more about me than anyone else. That includes him.”

I grin. “Why won’t you just admit you like me?”

She laughs. “Are you going to admit you like me?”

Okay, so she has a point there.

“What’s your deal anyway?”

I shrug. “Hockey comes first. Always has. There’s supposed to be a balance between hockey and the woman when you’re in a relationship, right?” She nods. “I’ve never been able to find the balance, and after one of my relationships ended, I decided to stop trying.”

“That’s why you’re okay with not having a relationship.”


“Do you think you’ll ever find that balance?”

I glance down at Otis to avoid looking at her. “Hope so.” Looking back at her, I say, “Let me think on things for a bit and see how it’ll be with him, okay? I can’t jeopardize things with the team.”

She nods, looking disappointed as her hand goes to Otis’s head to rub behind his ears. “Yeah, that’s understandable. I’m sorry you’re missing the party.”

“Eh, rather be here with you anyway.”

Deanna smiles. “I think you should spend the night and cook me breakfast in the morning.”

“What will I get out of this?”

“Great sex. You should do it either way; it’s the least you can do for lying to me.”

Now, isn’t that tempting. I ignore the part about lying. If I had any idea I would still be seeing her, I wouldn’t have lied to her in the first place. I think. I’ll find a way to make it up to her, though.

Part of me feels like I should have dropped her off and left immediately. I can’t seriously fuck or see a girl who was also sleeping with my teammate, can I? Zane seemed pissed when we left Scott’s. But if their relationship was like Deanna said, strictly fucking, then there will be mainly awkwardness to get over, right? He didn’t have an actual relationship with her. I have more of a relationship with her than it sounds like he did.