When I glance over my shoulder, she’s sitting up, leaning forward, and watching me. “Really?”

“Yep. You have to dance with me, though.”

“Can I pick the songs?” Her voice finally sounds normal instead of that bland, monotone shit I’ve been hearing.

“Absolutely.” I’m sure I’ll regret that, but this isn’t about me. At least this time, she’s my only audience.

Once I get it set up, her first song for me is some Barry White song.

“I don’t feel like dancing,” she admits.

“I don’t feel like singing.” Yet my hand is outstretched, waiting for her to take it, and there’s a mic in my hand. It takes her two seconds to decide to take my hand. I don’t care that her dance is only us swaying. It’s better than nothing.

“God, your voice is hot.”

I’m tempted to laugh, but that would interrupt my song.

She doesn’t go so easy on me for the next one, but that’s okay. She’s feeling playful with her song choices and I can deal with that while trying to rap an Eminem song.

“Are you fucking serious?” I ask when she picks “Achy Breaky Heart” next.

“Yep.” She grins and giggles, especially when Otis starts howling.

Night made.

I also get her to actually dance. Now, that is a sight for sore eyes. She loosens up right before me with every shake of her hips and twirl of her body. When her hands slip underneath my shirt and her grin turns evil, I know she’s feeling normal at least for the moment.

“You know,” Deanna begins, “you haven’t done more than kissed me in far too long.”

It’s been five days, but who’s counting?

“I’m sorry, but you’re interrupting my performance.”

She lifts my shirt and places an open-mouthed kiss on my chest. “Are you sure you mind? I’d rather you perform in a different manner.” She lifts her head and bats those pretty eyes at me.

Fuck this. I’m not singing some stupid song for her when I could be fucking her. “Go to my room, get naked, lie on the bed, and wait for me.”

Deanna doesn’t hesitate to leave me behind and do as I told her. I turn off the karaoke machine and TV. I take my time as I grab Otis’s leash and take him for a short walk, as it’ll probably be the last time he’ll go out tonight. Once the alarm is set and the door is locked, I walk upstairs.

She’s lying in the center of my bed with her hand between her legs.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

Her eyes crack open. “I don’t think your orders specified against this.”

“I said to wait for me.”

She laughs. “Oops. You were taking too damn long. What were you doing?” she asks as I close the door to keep Otis out for the time being, which causes him to whimper.

“I walked Otis.” I shed my clothes. The lamp on the nightstand gives plenty of light for me to see her watching me, and to see that her hand is still moving between her legs.


I walk over, grab a condom, tug her hand away, and finally lie next to her. “Come here, Deanna.” Once she’s straddling my waist, I hand the condom to her for her to put on. My eyes roam over her body. Man, she’s beautiful. Fucking hot as hell. Deanna hesitates and I know she’s starting to get lost in her head again. I slide my hands on either side of her neck, pulling her down until our foreheads are touching. “I’ll take care of you, Deanna.”

She stares at me for only a moment before her mouth crashes against mine. “Take complete control,” she murmurs.

If that’s what she needs, I sure as fuck can do that. I grab her waist and flip us over.