Scott returns and as he steps into the kitchen, he says, “We have a visitor.”

I glance over my shoulder and frown when I see Lizzy.

“Oh, come on. It’s been months, Sylvia. You can’t still be mad.”

Scott laughs. “Oh, yes, she can.” He stands next to me at the sink and wordlessly rinses as I wash.

In one swoop, my sister-in-law got engaged, married, and went off on her honeymoon. She did all of that without even telling Scott and me until it was over. Yes, it happened back in June, but I’m still pissed. I just don’t understand why she didn’t tell us at the very least. She knows I’m a gossip lover and I’m nosy, but we’re also family, and she couldn’t tell us the big news until afterward? I don’t understand it. It’s even worse that she refuses to spill why she didn’t tell us. Her lame excuse as to why one of Scott’s teammates, Noah, and his wife, Meredith, were able to go is because Marc wanted them there and they wouldn’t have to worry about finding babysitters.

That pissed me off even more. I didn’t believe that answer then any more than I do now. She’s been getting the silent treatment mostly. She came over with pictures soon after they returned, and of course I looked, but I made no comment about what I thought of her trip nor did I ask questions. That nearly killed me. I’m still dying to ask about it, but I’m more pissed, so I remain silent.

“Sylvia, when are you going to forgive me?” Her voice chokes up, which makes both Scott and me turn to look at her. “I really need you to forgive me.” Lizzy’s crying? Oh, god. Something’s wrong.

Scott is at her side in a second. “What’s going on? Did Marc do something?” I have to admit that sometimes, it bugs the hell out of me to see his loyalty to her. It shouldn’t because it’s admirable, but for some reason, every blue moon, it gets to me. If Lizzy wasn’t as upset as she is right now, this would be one of those times given how pissed I am about her not telling me about eloping with Scott’s teammate, Marc Polinski.

She shakes her head. “Marc hasn’t done anything.” Her eyes find mine. “I need Sylvia.” Lizzy reaches up and wipes away her tears.

Scott looks at me while I dry my hands with a kitchen towel. His loyalty to her irritates me after all. That look on his face clearly tells me to suck it up and talk to her. As if I wasn’t going to do that already. That’s when his loyalty bothers me. When it seems as if he’s, in a way, choosing her over me. Yeah, I should have gotten over it by now, but that’s not the point. He should always side with me, but there are instances when Scott doesn’t because he’s looking after Lizzy. It still shouldn’t bother me because she was married to his late brother and she suffered so terribly after his death, but there are some things that bother us regardless of whether they should or shouldn’t and this is one of those things.

“Can you leave early today?” I ask him.

“Of course.” He hugs Lizzy before coming over kiss me goodbye.

Lizzy and I stand in silence while he moves around the house and a few minutes later, we hear him leave. The moment he’s gone, Lizzy takes a shaky breath.

“I think I might be pregnant.”

“What? That’s great news, isn’t it?”

She pulls a chair from the small table out and falls into it. “Of course.”

“Then what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Why aren’t you talking to Marc about this?”

“Because all I can think about is the last time I got pregnant.”

Wait, what? “I’m confused, Lizzy. Marc is here. You don’t need to worry about anything happening to him because that isn’t going to do you any good and—”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” She huffs. “This isn’t fair to Marc. It’s not fair that Roger is finding a way to ruin this.” She is doing nothing but confusing me. She can’t be saying that Roger dying in an accident on the ice is a way that he ruined her last pregnancy. “I have to tell you something, but you can’t tell Scott.”

My spine straightens. “I don’t keep secrets from my husband.”

Lizzy squeezes her eyes closed. “This was a mistake.” She stands. “I should go and deal with this so I can have a clear head if I have to tell Marc any news.”

I reach out and grab her wrist. “Why don’t you want Scott to know whatever it is?”

She sighs and sits back down. “I don’t want him to think any differently of Roger or me. I don’t want to deal with this at all, Sylvia. My life is supposed to be with Marc. I officially moved forward when I married him, but I panicked and had flashbacks. I have to get rid of all of that before Marc knows. I refuse to taint this for him.” The resolve in her voice causes me to relax. This Lizzy is not the same Lizzy we dealt with pre-Marc. She’s determined to handle life instead of letting life fuck her over.

“Tell me. Let me ease your mind, so it’s clear for you and Marc.” Whether or not I keep it from Scott is yet to be determined.

She laughs, but there’s not much humor there. “I don’t even know if I’m pregnant or not.”

“Do you want to find out first? I’ll be there with you.”

Lizzy shakes her head. “I already have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.”

“Okay. Talk to me.”

“Roger never wanted the twins,” she blurts out.