“How can Lizzy not be dying to know what’s going on? I mean, if it were me, I’d be at her house, banging on the door, demanding she tell me what happened.”

Scott laughs. “Because Lizzy knows how to be patient. You know no such thing.”

I g

lare at him, even though it’s true. The only area where I know patience is with Stella and Stephanie. “You know what kind of sucks?”


“Even when I don’t like you, I still like you.”

Scott laughs and kisses me quickly. “That’s true love, Sylvie.”

“Daddy, play a game with us,” Stephanie says sweetly.

Stella has dragged out a board game and Scott rarely tells them no. Stella and Stephanie like to play as a team, so it’s them against Scott as he tries to guess who their two people are while they try to guess who his one person is. Scott pulls my feet into his lap and massages while he plays. I’m still very much worried about the pregnancy, but one thing is for sure: I have a fantastic husband and two great girls.

Scott’s right. One way or another, we’ll be okay.

“Help me!” Lizzy shouts when she straggles into the house Sunday shortly after Scott leaves for the arena for a preseason game. “I’m exhausted after doing a total of four cakes since Friday.” She rests the back of her hand on her forehead as if she’s faint and her dramatics cause the girls to giggle. “I declare we all go out for a spa day. Marco is paying!”

“Yes!” the twins shout.

“Go put your shoes on then while I try to whip your mom into shape.” She eyes my pajamas. Yes, it’s the afternoon and yes, I’m in my pajamas. It was a rough first half of the day. I have the sudden urge to tell her. Lizzy is my best friend, after all. I debate what to do as she grabs my shoulders and ushers me into my bedroom. “Are you okay with this? If you don’t want to go, I can take the girls. I figured it would be nice for us all to go.”

“Yes, it sounds nice. I’m in.”

“Well, find something to wear. I’m going to go check on the twins.”

“Lizzy, wait,” I say as she’s about to leave.

She turns around. I half think she’d look expectant, as if she knows what was about to come out of my mouth, but she doesn’t. “What is it, Sylvia?” she asks when I stay quiet for too long.

“I want to tell you, but I kind of want to wait.”

“Oh. How about we have our spa day while you think it over? There’s no rush, right?”

I nod. “Right.”

Soon, I’m dressed and Lizzy is driving us to the nail salon for all of us to get our nails done. It’s been a good little bit since the girls have come with me to get their nails done too. They’re so tickled. They love getting pampered.

“Want to see something funny?” Lizzy asks. “I’m sure you’ll see it later tonight. Marc is supposed to be showing it to the guys today.”

“What is it?”

“He found these clips of Brayden online. He’s doing karaoke in a bar and singing ‘Low Rider’ and ‘Gettin’ You Home.’”

“Brayden?” She nods. “Are you sure? I mean, that man is as serious as he can be. Why would he do karaoke?”

“I think it was for a girl. It’s him, though. Here.” She pulls it up on my phone and shows me. The first one with “Low Rider” is hilarious, but the second one? It’s a bit swoon worthy. Who knew he could sing? He does say something at the beginning where he calls someone darlin’, so a girl could be involved, but I still can’t see Brayden doing this, even for a girl. “The guys will give him hell over this.”

“Marc couldn’t believe it. He had to call Noah immediately after watching it a dozen times. It’s starting to make the rounds because some hockey magazine shared it right before Marc left the house. I almost feel bad for Brayden.”

“He’s not going to like this. I wonder if he’s seeing someone, though. The man keeps to himself entirely too much. I know he hangs out with EJ some because Bree likes him, but other than that? He’s devoted to hockey. This is going to stir everyone up.”

Lizzy smiles. “It makes your little gossipy heart happy, doesn’t it?”

I laugh. “Yeah, a little.”