“She asked me last night.”

“She asked you?”

“Yeah. Surprised the hell out of me, but I’m not complaining.”

Noah shakes his head. “The woman is crazier than I thought if she wants to live with you.” He clears his throat. “Hear anything else on your dad?”

“Let’s refer to him as Francis from here on out, and yeah. His arraignment was this morning and they are considering him a flight risk, so they’re holding him without bail. I’ve been debating if I should let Elizabeth know because all she wants to do is move on.”

Noah nods like he understands. “In that case, you keep tabs on him and the process. Then, if she asks, you can tell her the latest. That’s what I would do.”

“Kind of makes me want to do the opposite, then.”

He laughs. “Figures.” He balls up the wrapper, takes a sip of water from his bottle, and adds, “Let’s get to work. I don’t want to spend all day with you if I have to see you tonight.”

We start packing up things here and there, starting in my bedroom. I text Brayden to get Zane’s number because I don’t have it yet. When I text Zane, he jumps on the opportunity within seconds. I text him my address, so he comes over.

“Dude, you’re a lifesaver. I’ve met this chick, and I just need my own space,” he says.

“No problem. Own anything?”


I laugh. “Well, here’s what we’ll do, if you want. I’ll take my personal items, and leave the furniture, kitchen items, and things like that. You can keep it, sell it, donate it, I don’t care. We’ll go to the realtor’s office tomorrow for the paperwork.”

“Thanks, man.”

“Who’s the girl?” I ask because I’m nosy.

Zane shrugs. “Her name’s Deanna. It’s nothing serious; she’s a no-strings-attached type, and she’s a lot of fun. It’s just weird to be coming and going out of Brayden’s house. I feel like I should be asking for permission or apologizing if I come home late.”

That makes total sense.

“Anyway, thanks again. I should get going.”

“Not so fast!” Noah shouts after him, coming out of the bedroom with a box in his hands. “What the fuck is wrong with this next generation? You aren’t even going to ask if we need help? We do. Go grab a box and toss it in the bed of his truck. Thanks.” He walks to the door without waiting for a response.

Zane’s eyes are wide. “I didn’t realize you guys were packing.”

And he probably didn’t. Noah has been in the back, and I met him at the door. We’ve been talking in the kitchen this entire time. There hasn’t been a box in sight.

“I know that; he’ll know that later. You don’t have to stay. We’ve got it.”

“No, that’s okay. I’ll help. I’m not supposed to meet up with Ian until later.”

That’s how Zane gets roped into helping us load my truck. He even goes to Elizabeth’s house and helps unload the boxes. He’s a good kid. I just hope he doesn’t get into trouble with that Deanna girl. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been leery when guys describe girls as he did her. That usually spells trouble.

“AW, HE’S THE cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” I exclaim as I pick up Meredith’s dog, Leo. He wiggles in my arms from excitement and sniffs my face.

“Don’t say that in front of Marco, he might cry,” Noah says nearby in the kitchen, making me laugh.

“He’s right. Tell me I’m cuter.”

I glance over my shoulder at Marc with a smile. “Nope.”

“Evil.” He kisses my cheek before leaving me to join Noah in the kitchen.

“We can sit in the living room while Noah finishes up,” Meredith says. I follow after her and Leo jumps from my arms the moment we sit on the couch to curl up in Meredith’s lap. “How are things going?” Her gaze drops to my scarf. I’ve been wearing it all day.