And reward me she does. At first, I think I’m dreaming when I feel hands working my dick, but when something hot and wet envelopes it, my eyelids lift to see her bent over me.

I groan as she goes down on me again. “Another condition. This every morning.”

She pulls away from me to laugh. “Keep dreaming.”

“I’d return the favor.”

“I bet you would.” She smirks. “Still saying no.”

“Fine. Come here.”

“I thought you wanted a reward? I’m not done.”

“I want you.” I grab her wrist and tug, releasing her just as quickly so she can crawl up to me.

“You’ve pretty much had me since I saw you at the Halloween party.” She quickly wiggles out of her shorts and panties.

“I would disagree,” I mutter as she straddles my hips, grabs the hem of her shirt, and removes it.



“Had to work for you because you fought against me. I didn’t feel like I truly had you until you made me feel like I almost didn’t when you said you weren’t sure if you saw a future.” My eyes are locked onto her breasts, which sway as she rests her hands flat on my chest as she leans forward until we’re face-to-face.

“I see a wonderful future; I did then. Difference is it doesn’t scare me anymore.”

That right there might just be better than her wake-up call or what we’re about to do. Just because she said that.

Me: Bring boxes and come to my house. Moving in with Elizabeth, and trying to get some stuff over there today. You get to help me.

Noah: I don’t see a question or a please in that message.

Me: Don’t be a dick, or I’ll have to tell Meredith you refused to help her favorite Rebel.

Noah: Say please or I’ll tell her that you and Lizzy don’t want to come over tonight for dinner.

Crap. He’s walked me into a corner. Which, I could just text Meredith and tell her we’ll show up, and bypass Noah altogether. But he deserves to think he’s won something every now and then.

Me: Please. Bring breakfast, too. I’m hungry.

Noah: I’ll think about it.

When he shows up with breakfast, I grin.

“Don’t even say it,” he starts.

“You really do love me, don’t you?”

He throws the bag at me. “I loved you more when you were shy and reserved.”

“Whatever. What time are we supposed to come over tonight?”

“Mere should be home by five-thirty, so let’s say six. That means I need to be done helping you at a decent time because I have to cook. What are you going to do with your stuff?” Noah glances around the house. This is the first time he’s been inside. “What little of it you have,” he adds.

“I don’t know. Do you know if Zane has found a place yet? He could keep what I’m not taking to Elizabeth’s if he needs it.” We sit at the bar and eat the biscuits. Not the healthiest breakfast, but I haven’t been to the grocery store lately, so my fridge is running low.

“Last I heard, he was still at Brayden’s. Wouldn’t hurt to ask him. When did you guys decide to move in together?”