That’s not encouraging, but it’s okay. Elizabeth lets me open the door for her, but she’s quicker to haul herself into the passenger seat than before. I close the door and walk around. My truck isn’t really that big. I mean, it is, but it’s not like some trucks I’ve seen while living in the South. It hits me that her hesitation before was probably because of what happened the last time she was in my truck.

“How was your day?” I ask once we’re on the highway.

“It was fine. Yours?”

“Hoping it gets better.”

“Do you usually have sex with strangers in your truck?” she blurts out.

I chuckle. “No. That was a first for me.”


“Yes. Do you usually have sex in a stranger’s truck?”


She seems to clam up at that, so I leave her be. When I pull into a local ice rink, park, and look at Elizabeth, she’s pale.

“I figured we could go skating.”

It’s not creative, but I didn’t want to be overthinking aspects of the date while I was with her, and I knew I wouldn’t do that if I had skates on my feet. Her head begins to shake, and I notice her hands are trembling. She’s staring at the building, though.


Her chest rises and falls with her labored breathing. “I...can’t.” Finally, she looks at me. I’ve never seen such terror in someone’s eyes before. Her voice is barely a whisper. “Get me away from here. Please, Marc.”

I crank the ignition and back out of my parking space. She was fine and then she wasn’t. I drive to my Plan B, which is just up the road. I felt like I needed to be prepared in case Elizabeth didn’t like what I had planned. A quick glance at Elizabeth shows her eyes closed as she tries to regulate her shaky breaths. Whether I should or not, I reach over to take her hand, give it a squeeze, and stroke my thumb over her knuckles, hoping it helps. Elizabeth’s grip is strong, but it slowly relaxes.

“Sorry,” she mutters.

“It’s fine,” I reply as I pull into the parking lot.

“What is this place?” Elizabeth frowns.

“A place where we’re going to have fun.”

“Fun? Have you been talking to Sylvia?”

What does that have to do with Sylvia?

Noting my confusion, she shakes her head. “Never mind. Let’s go.” She’s opening the door and jumping out before I can unbuckle my seatbelt.

We’re at an indoor trampoline park. Elizabeth seems uneasy, but she doesn’t say much as I buy our tickets and a locker. We remove our shoes and wait a few minutes before we’re allowed in as you essentially pay for time slots.

“Marc.” Elizabeth grabs my hand, but her voice is what stops me. She’s watching all the people, young and older, jumping around on the dozens of trampolines. The pause between songs is gone and another starts.

When those unsure hazel eyes land on me, a quick tug of my hand pulls her closer. “Do you trust me?”

“No,” she immediately answers, causing me to laugh.

“Then trust Sylvia. We’re just going to jump around and have fun.” I don’t give her a chance to back out before I’m pulling her into the room. I release her hand and take the first jump.

There’s a huge grin on my face when I turn and see that Elizabeth has taken her first jump with me.


I’m woman enough to admit it.