She tilts her head. “Do you not want to take me on a date?”

“More than I want my next breath, but I’m giving you an out if you want one.”

She’s quiet for a moment before she says, “Where’s your phone?”

It takes me a minute before I realize what she said and I pull my phone out from my pocket. She plucks it from my hand.

“I’ll put my number in here. Tell me a date and a time. Make it semi-late notice or there’s a good chance I’ll find a way to cancel.” With that, she shoves the phone back to me and then walks away to her front door.

What just happened?

I get into my truck and head over to Noah and Meredith’s place. They’re probably home by now. Thankfully, they’re just arriving when I pull in.

“What’s up?” Noah asks me.

“I found her.”

His eyes widen. There’s only one her I could be talking about. “What? Who is she?”

“Who are we talking about?” Meredith asks with confusion.

“It’s Elizabeth.”

“No shit. Really?”

“Can someone please fill me in?” Meredith’s starting to get irritated by being left out.

“Let’s go inside,” Noah says. We start to the elevators as he starts telling Meredith what happened. “Marco met someone at the Halloween party, had sex with her in his truck, but she ran away. He asked a few of the guys about her, but no one remembered seeing her. He’s been obsessively thinking about her ever since. Turns out, the girl from the party is Lizzy. You’re all caught up.”

“Oh.” Meredith’s response is less than excited.

“What’s the lackluster oh for?” I ask.

“Well, Sylvia told me a while back she wanted to set you up with someone, and that it would take a lot of convincing for whomever it was and that she was hoping the whole opposite attracts thing would work. I can’t imagine you with someone like Lizzy based on what Sylvia said and how she was tonight.”

Noah is working on unlocking the door now. He pushes it open and Meredith goes in first. She gets Leo and his leash and promises to be back soon.

“I got a date with her,” I tell him. “But I have no idea how it’s going to go. I didn’t even know it was her until she was getting out of my truck and I saw the dove tattoo. I noticed there was something familiar about her, but she kept saying we hadn’t met before. I’m wondering if I should ask Sylvia what’s up with her or discover it on my own.”

“What do you mean?”

“I asked her why she ran and she ended up saying because it was wrong. I honestly thought she was going to not go, but then she gave me her phone number and told me to make it sort of last-minute so she’s less likely to come up with an excuse to cancel on me.”

Noah laughs. “I still say she’s crazy, but that is probably right up your alley.”

“Now I have to figure out where to take her on a date.”

I do as Elizabeth requested and give her short notice. When I arrive at her front door, I knock. It swings open after what seems like forever, but really only thirty seconds or so. She seems tense, but she gives me a smile anyway.

“Hey, Marc.”

“Hey, Elizabeth.”

Her frown deepens. “Am I dressed okay?” I’m surprised she has apparently given up on correcting me already.

I let my eyes roam over her body; jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt. “You’re dressed just fine. Ready?”

“I guess.”