I roll over to see her coming closer. “Just wanted you.”

She crawls into bed. “I’m glad you’re awake. You slept all through the night and for most of today. Well, you woke up, but you were out of it and went back to sleep pretty fast, so I didn’t count that.”

Wait. “It’s Saturday afternoon?”


“There’s a game tonight.”

“I know. Scott called me this morning, and I told him you weren’t in any shape.” Concern flashes in her eyes. “I didn’t overstep, did I? I tried to wake you, but you weren’t exactly talking in coherent sentences.”

“You’re fine.”

She breathes a sigh of relief. “I’m making soup. Feeling any better?”

I shake my head.

“Me either. We’re going to share a bowl of soup, though.”

“How are you making soup?”

Faintly, I hear a beep.

“Like that.” She goes to get up, but I stop her.

“I’ll get it.” I need to get up, whether I feel like it or not. Besides, it’s driving me crazy that she’s taking care of me so much. Okay, so it’s not bothering me that damn much, but I would like to do something for her at least once. First stop is the bathroom and then the kitchen where I grab the bowl of soup, a spoon, and two bottles of water.

We lean on each other, slowly taking turns sipping the soup. I’m done after the fourth sip. Elizabeth frowns, so I start feeding her. She lasts until ten. I do, however, steadily drink the water. We probably should’ve bought something different when we were out and about, but too late now.



“I’m tired of feeling bad.”

I put our waters on the nightstand, pull her into my lap, and hold her. “I have magical powers; I’ll make you feel better.”

“I trust you.” Her words make me smile. I kiss the top of her head. “Tell me what our next date is going to be.”

“Our next date?”

“Yes. You still need to take me out on dates. Don’t get comfortable with this whole not going out but every so often thing.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“You don’t get help from me. Besides, you’ve done a good job so far. You really don’t need my help.”

I laugh. “Oh, I like you sick. That sounded like a compliment, and I think that’s the first one you’ve ever given me. You should get sick more often. Just keep me out of it next time.”

She looks up at me with a frown. Sick or not, she’s still Elizabeth and I’d bet she’s upset that I think she hasn’t complimented me.

“I’m sure I’ve complimented you at some point, Marc. Why are you smiling?” Her frown deepens with her confusion, which only makes me smile more.

“I...” The words die on my lips in shock. I can’t actually say that. Elizabeth would freak the hell out. Hell, I’m about to freak the hell out. It’s undoubtedly true, but it can’t be spoken aloud yet. “I think you’re cute is all. I’m sure you have at some point, too, Elizabeth.”

She turns her head to cough. “Are you going to watch the game?”

“Do you want to?”