“Can you give me a ride? I came with Meredith.”

“Yeah, of course.” He stands upright and we all start heading out of the arena. For a moment, I worry because he’s only holding my hand. Maybe Marc is putting on a friendly show for his friends, but then he gives it a squeeze. He wouldn’t do that for show since no one would know he did it but me. “You know, you shouldn’t be so trusting of Meredith, Elizabeth,” Marc says.

I glance over at her and then back to him. “How come?”

“She offered twice to flash me recently.”

My eyes nearly bug out of my head. Noah scowls while Meredith and Marc laugh at me. Marc hooks his arm around my neck and I finally relax somewhat.

“Don’t listen to anything he says,” Meredith tells me. “This is Marco we’re talking about.”

That is true. Plus, Noah is around, and he likes to irk him, so that has to be part of it, too. The three of them have one of those relationships where things like that are said. I almost forgot that. Marc did kiss Meredith on the cheek when we all had dinner together.

“Lizzy,” Noah starts, “I’d like to apologize for both of them. They’re a pain in the ass, but we’re stuck with them.”

“That’s the second time this week you’ve called me a pain in the ass, Noah. I think Leo is going to be the only one sharing the bed with me tonight,” Meredith says, pulling away from him, but he drags her right back to his side.

“The thing about me being stuck with you, Mere, is that you’re stuck with me, too.”

It’s fascinating to watch them because the moment she smiles, he’s smiling.

“Y’all are adorable,” I blurt out.

Marc places his hand over my mouth. “Don’t listen to her. You’re both disgusting and make us want to puke. I’m going to need a trash can on standby at the wedding.” I lick the palm of his hand, thinking he’d drop it, but he only laughs. His mouth is near my ear as he whispers, “I’m not afraid of a little tongue, Elizabeth.” Then he drops his hand. “Well, that was a lovely talk. I better get this girl home.” We’re in the parking lot now, so it’s time to part ways.

Meredith gives me an encouraging smile, but my nerves are back in full force now. We don’t talk on the short walk to his truck, as he opens the door for me, and as he leaves the arena.

“You were able to watch the game,” he finally says.

“Yeah. Meredith bought me noise-canceling headphones, so I listened to the broadcast on my phone. Congrats on the goal, by the way.”

“Thanks. Think yo

u’ll do it again?”

“Maybe. It was hard at times, but I didn’t have a panic attack at all.”

“That’s good.”

Meredith was so sure this was a good idea, but maybe it wasn’t. Maybe something happened and he’s changed his mind. Marc closed off the moment I told him I didn’t know if I wanted to be with him in the future. It’s just hard to wrap my head around that right now.

Marc pulls into my driveway, letting his truck idle.

“Want to come in? I have a present for you.”


He turns it off, comes around to open my door for me, and follows me to my front door. The heat inside the house nearly knocks me over. It’s almost too hot compared to outside. I walk straight to the kitchen, open the pantry, and pull out the bag I bought earlier today before facing Marc. I open it, pull out a pork rind, turn, and hold it out to Marc.

“Try it.”

He takes it from me, not hesitating to take a bite. “Pretty good.”

“It’s a pork rind.” I pull the bag from behind my back and hand it to him. “Want a pack of nabs?” I reach and grab myself a pack. I didn’t eat dinner, and my stomach is starting to grumble. I don’t want much, though.

“A pack of what?”

I hold up the nabs.