He’s gazing at his phone, as if waiting for her to call or text him, when the elevator doors open.

“Hey, Noah and I are going to eat. Want to come with?”

He’s been on the team for nearly a year, but I don’t think he’s close to anyone. He’s always too busy on his phone if he isn’t required to be around us.

“Looks like EJ is coming with us,” I add when I see him standing with Noah.

“Sure. She’s probably going to ignore me until tomorrow anyway.”

We greet each other and there’s a taxi already waiting outside for us. My phone buzzes in my pocket with a text.

Elizabeth: Marco?

That’s it? Hmm. Kind of weird.

Me: Polo.

Elizabeth: Can you talk?

Instead of answering, I call her.

“Hey,” she answers softly.


“I’ve had a bad day.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“No, I want you to make me feel better.”

Fuck. I wasn’t anticipating this, though I should’ve known better before I called her. “A few of the guys and I are about to get something to eat. We’re in a cab.”

“Oh. Why’d you call me if you can’t actually talk to me?” she snaps, and I realize I’ve kind of missed the uptight, piece of work Elizabeth.

“I didn’t think past the fact you wanted to talk to me.”

“Well you should have!” Her voice has turned shrill as we pull in front of the restaurant, and I know that if I hang up, whatever’s wrong may fester and grow and she could ignore me the next time I call.

“Hey, you guys go on in,” I tell them. “Order me something good,” I say to Noah. We’ve eaten out enough times that he should know generally what I like, at least enough to order a meal for me. “Okay, I’m here for about twenty minutes, Elizabeth.” By the time they are seated, served drinks, and they order, that should be plenty of time before the food even hits the table.

“You didn’t have to do that.” Back to the soft tone.

“You needed me, didn’t you?” I take a seat on one of the benches outside of the building to settle in for the talk.

“No,” she lies. “I wanted you; not needed.”

I shake my head at her. She did need me, whether she wants to admit it or not. She can say want if she’d like. That’s perfectly okay with me. Want is one step away from need. “Fine,” I finally say. “If you don’t want to talk about it, then tell me what you plan to do with Stella and Stephanie this weekend. Are you going to talk me up to Stella? Maybe that’ll make her loosen up to me.”

Finally, I hear her laugh and I know I could hang up after her answer and my job would be complete. “I am not going to talk you up to her. You’re on your own. We’ll probably go shopping, play with dolls, and maybe I’ll get them to bake a cake with me.”

I grin. “You could each have your own little round cake to decorate.”

“That’s what I was thinking.” My mouth opens to speak, but she says, “You can go join your friends for dinner. I feel better already.”

My grin widens. “Want me to call you afterward?”

There’s silence as she debates it. “No, I’ll probably be asleep.”