“Damn. I was hoping for a kiss.”

Elizabeth laughs. “Keep hoping. What am I supposed to do with two cakes anyway? You’re about to leave and I’ll be left here with two cakes.”

“Take them to work or to Sylvia. Hell, if you want, eat them yourself.”

“I’d get sick from all the sugar.” She stands and goes over to see if her cake has cooled enough to be iced. It must be because she brings it over. Then comes a large bowl of white icing, a box, and a few more bowls. “How should I decorate it? That’s why I’m going to win, by the way.”

“Have you decided what your prize will be?”

“Not yet.” She sits in my lap and taps her fingers on the table. “What should I put on the cake?”

“Christmas is in a few weeks.”

She nods and gets to work. First, she puts a layer of white icing on the cake. Then, she scoops icing into a bowl, colors it, puts it into a white bag, picks a tip, and gets started on the outline of a tree. Her hands are steadier than ever. When she takes a long, shaky inhale, I realize she’s lost in her head again.

“Roger’s birthday is the day after Christmas, so the last time I baked a cake was for his last birthday.” She pauses to look at me. “Scott was freaked when you told him about me talking about Roger with you, wasn’t he?” I nod. She sighs and returns to her cake. “There’s really no way to explain how bad off I was after he died. There was so much going for us one moment and the next, I was watching him die right in front of me. Things were going just fine for me. Then, Sylvia started this dating crap.”

“Hey,” I interrupt. “You have to admit she threw at least one great catch your way.” When Elizabeth glances at me with narrowed eyes, I grin and motion to myself, which ultimately causes her to laugh.

“That’s still debatable,” she murmurs. “You are easy to talk to. I can admit that.”

“And I’m good-looking.”

“Oh lord,” she mumbles under her breath, but there’s a smile on her face.

“And I’m funny.”

“With a big ego.”

“And you like me.”

“Oh god. Not that again.”

I grab her wrist so I don’t mess her decorating up, lean forward to press a kiss on her shoulder before resting my forehead against her temple. “Don’t worry, Elizabeth. I like you, too.” I release her wrist and lean back in my seat. I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy how it takes her a few seconds before she resumes her decorating. “So, do you have any siblings?”

“No. I’m an only child like you.”

“Are you glad we did this?”

She shifts in my lap, and I swear, the woman hasn’t been able to be still this entire time. I’m going to die a slow death this way, but I’ve been trying to focus on her and the cakes instead.

“Yeah, I guess so. It hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be. Though, it hasn’t been a piece of cake either.” She chuckles to herself. “However, this is probably better than me drinking too many margaritas and begging you to have sex with me.”

“You didn’t beg.”

“I said please.”

I start laughing. She thinks one little please is begging? Elizabeth looks at me with a puzzled expression. I kiss her quickly. “You’re cute.”

“You say that a lot.”

“It’s true.”

She rolls her eyes and we don’t say much. I stay until she finishes decorating the cake. She does a fantastic job. The tree even has ornaments on it and gifts underneath it. She adds stars in the background. It takes a lot longer than I’d expect it to, but the cake looks great. Elizabeth takes a quick photo before we cut a slice for each of us.

I have no idea what’s in this cake, but it’s amazing. Unlike any other cake I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. It’s definitely not a traditional cake.

“Elizabeth.” That’s all I can manage to say once I’ve quickly devoured my slice.