Marc seems to nod in understanding. What’s up with that?

“Don’t you have bad traits?”

Marc laughs. “Of course. I joke too much and don’t always know when to stop. Noah can attest to that.”

“Why him?”

“Because I’ll scream and rush to Meredith when I see her. I’ll pick her up, twirl her around while I hug her, and give her a big kiss on the cheek just because I know it irks him, especially since I’m her favorite among his friends. I used to joke about sharing her, but he’s a little more testy now that they’re engaged.”

“Have you ever been married or engaged?”

Marc shakes his head. “No.”


“Just haven’t met the right person.” The way he looks at me makes me think that he thinks I might be the right person. I need another margarita.

He’s so delusional.

But very, very hot.

I’M STARTING TO think alcohol and Elizabeth don’t mix. The rest of dinner goes well as we talk about nothing in particular. Every so often, the conversation returns to Roger, her late husband. Sometimes, it’s like he didn’t die at all with how she speaks of her life after his passing, and sometimes, it’s like she’s okay and moving forward.

She leans into me as I walk her to the front door of her house. She downed too many margaritas. Her words started having a touch of a slur halfway through the second one.

“I don’t know why, but I think I like you, Marco Polo.” She places a hand on my stomach as she falls into giggles.

“I think I like you too,” I reply. “Where are your keys?”

She hands me her purse. “In there.”

I rifle through the middle section before finding them. “Which one?”

“If you figure it out, I’ll let you kiss me.”

There’s only three keys, one of which is for a vehicle. “You’ll let me?” I ask, sticking the first one into the lock. It’s a winner.

“Yep, a good night kiss.” She notices I’ve opened the door. “Yay! Kiss me, Marc.” She tilts her head back and waits, actually sounding excited.

I give her a quick peck since she’s drunk, but the moment I go to pull away, her arms have somehow managed to wrap around my neck and she’s pulling me back down to her. “Elizabeth,” I whisper, pulling away enough to say that much.

“Hmm?” Elizabeth tries to move into the house, dragging me with her.

“You’re drunk.”

“I was last time, too,” she reminds me.

Fuck. I hadn’t thought of that as a comeback. She sticks her tongue back into my mouth and damn, she’s clouding my judgment. It’s a struggle to remember why we shouldn’t do this. Cold hands have slipped underneath my shirt.

“Please.” Her beg is quiet. “You free me.”

My eyes fly open at that, only to find hers open as well. They seem so crystal clear.

“I didn’t regret last time, believe it or not,” she adds.

It’s as if she gives me a moment to let her go and when I don’t, she reaches around me to close the door. Elizabeth’s lips touch mine and they’re full of a hunger so clear, it’s like she’s been deprived all this time. All thoughts cease to exist. With the first kiss, I had full intentions of walking away. But with this kiss? The only thing I can do is follow Elizabeth wherever she wants to take me.

We become a fumble of hands and tongues and kisses. I don’t notice anything about her bedroom. Last time, we were fully clothed and now, we’re naked. My senses are focused entirely on her. Soft skin, loud moans, and hot kisses. I don’t know if this is the right thing to do. Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s not. I’m just not sure I care anymore. Elizabeth wants this and I want to give it to her. No has left my vocabulary where she’s concerned. I can’t help it. This woman is impossible to resist.