I don't really know Kyle that much. Am I dreaming? Kyle is the nice guy who has been giving me helpful advice. No. Kyle is the guy who just kissed me!

The rest of the game is lost on me. I am distracted. Kyle left, I assume. He didn't return to his seat beside me. I am still lost in thought, standing beside Jake's car when he comes up to me.

“Did you see that last shot? It was epic!”

Jake gives me a kiss and tosses his duffel bag into the trunk.

“Sorry. I missed it. You should call Drake and tell him though. I'll drive.”

I learn the details of the final period as Jake talks with such excitement to Drake. The entire drive home, I debate whether or not this is something to tell Jake about. After my shower and Jake's, I slip under the covers.

I am in another world, a world where Kyle's lips are against mine, and I'm sure Jake can tell. Jake always knows when something is adrift. He pulls me against him, kisses my shoulder and asks what is wrong. Here goes nothing.

“Kyle sort of bombarded me at the game.”

The muscles against my back go rigid.

“What do you mean?”

“He dragged me into a janitor's closet and kissed me.”

I wait in worried silence as Jake takes in my words. Suddenly, Jake rolls me over to face him. Anger rages like a thunderstorm in his eyes.

“He did what? How did he drag you into the closet?”

“We were going to get drinks and next thing I know, we were in the closet and he had me pushed against the wall. Like you had me earlier.”

“Do not compare what happens between us to that. I could beat his ass. Doesn't he know that if you wanted him, you would be with him and not me?”

I rest a hand on Jake's arm.

“Let's forget it ever happened.”

“You want me to just ignore the fact that he basically sexually assaulted you?”

“Yes, I want to ignore it all. It was a bad experience that I don't want to talk about any more.”

Jake's storming eyes tell me that he isn't going to forget it so easily. I lean forward and place a kiss on his lips.

“I love you.”

“I love you too Sweetness, but...”

“But nothing. I want to fall asleep in your arms feeling safe and loved. Let's do that, okay?”

After a hesitant pause, Jake nods and pulls me against him. It's not long before I fall asleep.



Emily is asleep long before I am. I can't get the image of that jackass kissing my girlfriend out of my head. When I saw Kyle touch her knee the other day at Coffee Beans, I knew something wasn't right. Like an idiot, I ignored it and now my girlfriend had been violated.

A little extreme? Maybe. However, Sweetness was on the receiving end of an unwanted kiss and I am pissed off about it.

When I awake in the morning, I am still pissed off. I'm going to hunt Kyle down. For Sweetness, I won't beat the guy senseless. On the contrary, I am going to make sure he knows that he should keep his distance from Emily from now on.

I find Kyle inside Coffee Beans. His demeanor is calm and collected when he sees that I'm walking towards him.