Exhausted, my eyes heavily fall.



Drake called and for the fourth time, I was helping him over the phone with his homework. Why Dad doesn’t help him, I'm not sure. I'll have to find out though. I can’t work, study and help Drake every day.

Emily woke me up three times last night. While I am glad she woke me up, I am exhausted. Coach certainly gave me hell for it at practice too. I rest my head on my desk and try not to fall asleep. At least I don’t have to work this weekend. I guess I’ll go out with the guys and kick back since Emily has to work. I am going to go home and take a nap.

Classes for the day are over and I couldn’t be happier. I go home, take a nap, and grab a bite to eat. One of the frat houses is having a huge party tonight and we are going. Brad and a few other guys are coming to pick me up. I just finish getting ready when a horn honks. I lock the door behind me and join the guys in the truck.

“Ready to party Benson?”

“Absolutely. What’s up?”

“I'm ready to get laid,” Brad replies with a chuckle. The other guys readily agree. I just smile and change the subject to hockey. We have a game this coming Monday and I am pumped. So far, the entire team has been playing extremely well. Going against our rival had everyone ready to win. Knee deep in plays, the conversation comes to a halt as we arrive.

Brad switches the truck into park and everyone climbs out. Gravel crunches beneath my shoes and the frigid air attacks causing me to pull my jacket closer. I stuff my hands into my pockets to keep them warm on the short walk from the truck to the house. Inside, the music is surprisingly not that loud.

We find the keg, grab ourselves red cups and begin to drink. A twinge of guilt surges through my veins at the thought of having fun while Emily was working. She has fun with her friends when I work though, doesn’t she? Plus, it’s not like I party all the time.

I take a swig of my beer and look around the crowded party. Girls in sheer shirts and tight jeans dance about the room. The guys are either dancing with them or leading them upstairs.

“Jake Benson, right?”

My head swivels at the sound of a girl’s voice. Standing beside me with a beer in her hand is a girl dressed in dark blue skinny jeans and a very tight, white, low cut shirt.

“Yeah. That’s me. And you are?”

She pushes a strand of sleek black hair behind her ear and gives me a smirk with her pink lips. “I’m Eve. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“All good, I hope.” Tilting my head, I look at her curiously. She was pretty, no doubt about that. She has a confidence about her that makes me want to stand up straight and at attention. I ignore that urge and lean against the wall.

“Yes, it’s all very good. You are one of the starters on the hockey team, right?”

Nodding, I ask, “Do you like hockey?”

“I love it. I’m the goalie on the women’s hockey team.”

“Really? That’s pretty impressive.”

“Why? Because I’m a girl?”

I can’t help but laugh at her remark. Completely ignoring me, Eve changes the subject.

“Anyways, you looked lonely over here so I came over. Where’s your girlfriend at?”

“How do you know so much about me?”

Eve shrugs and waits for an answer to her question.

“She’s working.”

From there, Eve and I go off on a tangent. She tells me more about herself. She is majoring in art because she loves to paint. Living with five brothers and wanting to fit in, Eve started playing hockey with them and became pretty damn good at it. The subject changes frequently. It is as if she can’t stay on one topic for too long.

Noticing the time, I tell Eve, “I better get going. I want to surprise my girlfriend and if I want to make it there before she leaves, I need to get walking.” All of the guys have disappeared upstairs so I’m not getting a ride from them.

“You’ll freeze to death. I can drive you.”