“Good. Sleep well. Before you know it, Santa will be here.”

“I know that Santa doesn't exist, Jake. Dad puts the presents under the tree.”

“Yeah, but Santa drops them off.”

He seems to consider the notion before shrugging. Like old times, I kiss his forehead and return to my room for bed.

The shrill ringing of my phone jolts me from my sleep. I pick it up and place it over my ear.


“Jake, sorry to wake you. Can I come in? I couldn't sleep.”


Closing my phone, I tip toe downstairs past the lit tree with the presents neatly placed underneath it and open the front door.

“Where's your jacket,” I ask as I take in the sight of Emily shivering.

“I forgot it.”

“C'mon,” I whisper, pulling her to me to warm her up.

I lead her to my room and within minutes, she's peacefully sleeping.

I wake Emily up early so she can get home before anyone wakes up. Soon after, Drake wakes me. He's excited to open presents and doesn't want to wait. All too soon, Drake is bored with his new toys though and wants to see Emily so she can play with him.

At Emily's, we gather around the tree. Emily searches for the presents and passes them out. Drake waits with exceptional patience as Emily pretends to have lost his.

“Okay, here you go, Drake. Open up everyone,” Emily instructs.

Drake tears into his to find a brand new, shiny pair of skates. He's been using my old ones when practicing on the ice and keeps asking for new ones. Emily decided that would be his present, so we went to the store together and I helped her pick out the best ones. After all, I was the expert.

I dig into my present. The wrapping paper sits in a messy pile in front of me as I discover that I too have new skates. Skates that, when we were shopping, I said I'd love to have but they were really expensive.

I lean over and place a kiss on her cheek. “You shouldn't have,” I say while admiring my skates. Returning my attention to Emily, I hand her the present in my lap and wait. Watching Emily opens her present is torture. She unwraps like my Grandma. Carefully pulling off the tape, she finally unwraps the little box. Inside is a silver charm bracelet

“Jake, I love it. You'll have to tell me what they are for.”

“The 87 is for Crosby.” The eight was made of two pucks and the seven was a hockey stick.

“The jersey, of course, is for me.” There was a jersey with eleven and my last name written across the top.

“The camera is for all the pictures we have taken together. The swing set is for when we would go to the park.”

Emily stops me.

“I remember that night at the park. Where you first kissed me.”

“You do?” I smile. This is good news. Every time Emily remembers something, my chest swells at the accomplishment. One day, as it was set in my heart, she would remember everything.

“What's the baby for?”

There were two charms left. One was a heart with Emily and Jake written inside and the other was a baby with a halo. I hated to bring up the baby now, when Emily had no clue. Suddenly, Emily's head snaps up from the bracelet and looks at me. Recognition glows in her brown eyes.

Her voice is excited as she squeals. “I remember!”
