“We can't.”

“I know.”

I ache to feel his weight on me. It has been so long and I miss him terribly.

“Anyone at your house?”

Jake smirks and I can tell that he knows I'm weak. He takes my hand and walks me down the hallway. In the floor of the living room, my father and Drake are playing Monopoly.

“We're going to run to my house to get some more games,” Jake calls over his shoulder.

Jake pulls me out of the house and to his car. Minutes later, we're at his house and fumbling through the entrance. Wasting no time, we head to Jake's room.

My back is against the door as Jake kisses my neck. I push him backwards towards the bed, burning with need. Toppling onto the sheets, Jake towers over me. He lifts his shirt off and tosses it to the side then removes my shirt in seconds. I feel myself melting as Jake's hands travel over my hot skin.

Jake slides off my pants and underwear. Arousal is clear in his eyes as they take in my glistening state. There's a bulge forming in Jake's pants and I sit up to unzip them. Soon, Jake and all of his hard glory are free of restraining clothes. No time for foreplay. The need to connect with one another is too strong to deny any longer.

My breath hitches as Jake's length enters me and my back arches against him. His mouth lights a fire from my mouth down my jawline and to my neck. My nails dig into his shoulders as I feel him thrusting.

With each driving force, I rise and rise until I’m writhing in pleasure and sweat. Lying in his arms, I don't ever want to leave. Lips kiss the top of my head and I can't help but think of how much I love this man.

Love can either heal or destroy. Love is so powerful that it can sweep you up like a leaf in the wind. Up and down, twirling here and there. Hitting objects that stand in the way, making you stronger. And sometimes a hand catches the fragile leaf and crushes it. Love is beautiful as well. That hand could catch that leaf and hold it like a baby bird. Stroke it with care. Love is powerful. A lesson I will never ever forget.



Driving home, I gently squeeze her hand in reassurance and as a reminder that I'm here. Sweetness' hand is idle in mine. It's times like these that I need to know what she is thinking. If I knew, then I would know if everything would be alright. However, Emily isn't sending out any signals.

She must be exhausted and ready for sleep. Sweetness will get the rest she needs and anything else she wants. It is the least I can to do to make the love of my life happy. Nothing else matters to me, but her happiness.

It's odd how a mere coincidence can change someone's life. Getting paired in a class or meeting someone by pure chance can turn a world upside down and inside out. Emily did that to me. Because of my dad, I didn't think a relationship was possible, but Emily changed all of that. She showed me that some things are worth fighting for even if you aren't sure why yet. That's something that we need to remember.

We are worth fighting for no matter what.

We eat pork-chops, french fries, and mac-and-cheese before Dad comes to get Drake. Emily is oddly quiet. It takes her five minutes to fall asleep.

Laying on my back, Emily is cuddled up against me with her head resting on my chest. I don't want to wake her, but I can't resist running my fingers through her soft hair. I realize my shirt is wet.


No response. Shaking her shoulder lightly, I wake her up. Sleepy, red, puffy eyes look up at me. My arms wrap themselves around her before I can even think to do so.

“Another nightmare?”

“Yeah,” she whispers.

“Do you want to talk about it?”


“Sweetness. It'll get better. I promise. Don't forget. I'm always here for you.”

“I know.”

Her voice says she believes me, but it lacks confidence. Is it confidence in my ability to help or is it confidence in herself? Either way I need to show her it is there.

I hold Sweetness in my arms until she falls into a peaceful sleep. Hours later the sound of Drake's voice wakes me. Dad must have dropped him off this morning.