Page 84 of It's Never too Late

“Engaged, then.”

“I’m not that yet, either.”


“I told Ella I didn’t want to marry her.”

She stepped outside. “How’d she take it?”

“About like I expected. She understood, but she’s willing to try to make the best of things as they are.”

“So, wait.” She frowned. “Does that mean you are getting married?”

“It means that I don’t know. I made the offer. She’s trying to figure out if accepting it is the best thing to do.”

“You told her you didn’t want to marry her, but that you would.”


She’d never heard of anything more bizarre. More destined for failure.

And she didn’t doubt for one second that if Mark married Ella, if the marriage failed, it wouldn’t be because of him.

She also knew that he deserved better—far better—than spending the rest of his life with a woman he didn’t love.

“You curled your hair.”

She’d forgotten. “Yeah.”

“I like it.”

Matt Sheffield hadn’t been impressed. Thank goodness.

“People raise children together from separate households.”

“I’m in Shelter Valley. She’s in Bierly. It’s a little far to commute.” Taking her hand, he led her to their chairs, which were both still on her side of the patio. Sat down. “And getting married is the right thing to do. I’m not going to abandon my child. I know what it’s like to grow up without a dad.”

“You’re staying here, then?”

“Yes.” No doubt in his voice on that one.

“Have you told Nonnie? About the baby?”

“I just did tonight. I’m sure you’re going to hear about it tomorrow. I work from two to eight, by the way, instead of noon like she told you.”

“Your schedule changed?”

“No. She says she got the days confused, but she’s lying.”

“Nonnie lies?” Mark hated lying.

“Only when she’s being conniving. But this time she came clean, which is why I know she lied to you to begin with.”

Leaning back in her chair, Addy watched him. “She wanted me there when you got home.”

His expression serious, he said, “She noticed that we haven’t been spending much time together.”

“She lied to me about your hours before you told her about Ella.”