“Elliott might very well be the only guy who will ever slip past that iron gate you’ve got around your heart,” Gabi said, pulling Marie closer to her and out of the way as a couple—obviously a little worse for the alcohol they’d consumed—teetered past them. “And I know you, Marie. If you don’t do this quickly, you’ll talk yourself out of it. I think you know that, too, which is why you’re doing what you have to do. You’re pulling one over on yourself.”

“You make me sound crazy.”

“I think you’re careful. And paranoid where men are concerned. Not that that’s your fault. But you love Elliott, don’t you?”

“I haven’t told him so.” And she should, shouldn’t she? Before she told someone else? Before she married him?

“And he loves you.”

“He hasn’t said so, either.”

“Then I guess we have some business to take care of, don’t we?” Always the practical one, Gabi led them around a corner, down another hall, up an escalator and to the second-floor chapel where their day had begun.

Marie stopped her just before she pulled open the door to head inside. Where Elliott would be waiting. She couldn’t do it. She was in Vegas, but would be going home in the morning. And if she got married, what happened in Vegas definitely would not just stay in Vegas.

“Just...let it happen, okay?” Gabi whispered.

“What if I can’t trust him, Gabi?” Marie asked, stilling Gabi’s reach for the door handle.

“You don’t trust Elliott? Has he done something to make you doubt him?”

“No.” She shook her head. Feeling the little curls around her temples bounce. “I feel like I trust him completely. But that’s kind of weird for me to say, isn’t it? I mean, I’ve never trusted men. What if, after we’re married, I can’t trust him? Not because he isn’t trustworthy, but because of me? Because I can’t? What if I ruin things?”

“You need to tell him about your issues with men. And why you have them.”

“He knows.”

Gabi’s eyes widened. “You told him about...everything?”

“And everyone.” Marie was completely serious now. Needing her friend to show her the parts of herself that she couldn’t find on her own.

“Wow.” Gabi smiled. “I was beginning to fear there’d never be an Elliott Tanner in your life...”

“Yeah, I think I was, too. But...”

Gabi’s finger touched her lips. “No buts. He knows how hard it is for you to trust and still wants to marry you. He knows what he’s getting into. Now trust him to be up to the challenge.”

Tears sprang to Marie’s eyes. They were going to ruin her makeup. “Thank you.”

Nodding, Gabi squeezed her hand again. And said, “You’re absolutely sure this is what you want to do?”

Pausing, Marie made herself slow down. It wasn’t as if there was another wedding pressing down upon them. She could take all night if she wanted to.

Or not get married at all.

Thoughts of Elliott’s arms around her at the salsa club sprang to mind. Swinging her around. Pulling her in. Throwing her out. Bringing her back against his warm body. Catching her. Always catching her. She hadn’t been afraid, even for a second.

“I’ll be your groom.”


“I’m serious.”

“I am, too,” she’d said. Or something like that. Maybe she’d just said okay again. The next thing she knew they’d been standing, holding hands and going to tell Liam and Gabi that they had to break up their card game for a wedding.

“Marie?” Gabi’s voice was soft. Serious. And not the least bit threatening. She was there for her. Her support. No matter what she decided.

It had always been that way.