Nope, he wasn’t wrong. Barbara had called him after she spoke to Marie. She wasn’t thrilled about the way things had turned out in the conversation with her daughter—wasn’t thrilled about the fact that now that Connelly and Gabi were married, she had to accept him as part of the wedding party. But she wasn’t half as displeased as Elliott was. Or as she would be if she had any idea why Elliott wasn’t pleased.

“You’re kidding.” Gabrielle’s face held no pretense of a smile now. “Again? I really thought, this last time...”

“She’s not going to do it again,” Liam said, straight-faced, as well.

Marie shook her head, her eyes wide, and it looked as though she was trying to put on a happy face. “She’s not marrying my father.”

“What!” It was the first time Elliott had ever heard the prosaic attorney screech.

“Not your father?” Liam’s tone changed, filled with more of his usual eagerness. “That’s great, Marie! She finally let go and moved on.”

“Who is he?” Gabrielle’s question was sharp and shot right on top of her husband’s congratulatory remarks.

“Bruce. Her shrink.”

“We met him, didn’t we?” Gabrielle asked Marie.

“Yeah, once.”

“We liked him.”


Gabrielle nodded. “So maybe it’s not so bad. I mean, I don’t like the whole therapist/patient thing, but...”

“She’s been out of therapy since that last round with Dad.”

“That was right before we finalized Threefold, right?” Liam asked. Elliott could have nodded right along with Gabrielle and Marie.

“Apparently she’s been off her meds for almost a year, too.”

“Wow.” Gabrielle was smiling full-out now. “That’s great news, Marie.”

“I know.” Marie nodded. Rubbed her hands together.

“So why aren’t you happy?” Gabrielle asked next.

“Has your father called?” Liam asked. “He’s not giving you a hard time, is he? You can get an order of harassment out on him, can’t she, Gabi?” He looked to his wife.

And Elliott almost smiled. The man was a piece of work. A workhorse with a heart, who gave “make it happen” all new meaning. He was also irritating, frustrating and...kind of decent.

“No!” Marie said again. “No one needs to go after Daddy. Liam, I’m okay, really. You can relax.”

“You don’t seem okay,” the other man offered with a shrug.

“Mom hasn’t told Dad yet. And when she does, I’m sure he’ll call. I can handle him. The problem is, the wedding is next weekend and Mom really wants you two to be there. I know it’s short notice and there’s probably no way you can leave...” She looked at Gabrielle first, then at Liam, and back to Gabrielle. “But I really want you there,” she finished. “I don’t want to do this one alone.”

Marie’s voice broke.

Elliott half turned away.

“Hey,” Gabrielle said, and Elliott turned back in time to see her put her hand over Marie’s. Elliott couldn’t read Marie’s expression now, but he saw her reach up a hand as though she was wiping away a tear. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m being a selfish goon. It’s just...first you and Liam. And then Burton. And now Mom...”

“We’ll be there,” Gabrielle said, shooting her husband a glance. “Liam’s working a lot from home right now anyway. I can move my appointment schedule around. I don’t have court Friday afternoon or Monday. And it’ll be good for us all to get out of town for a few days. Away from this kook who’s after Liam...”

Elliott wasn’t a praying man, but he issued a silent request in the second that followed. One that would require Liam Connelly to say he couldn’t possibly get away. Or even that he didn’t want to.

“Of course we’ll go,” Liam said. And then added, “Are you sure the invitation included me?”