“Positive. I reminded her the two of you were married and she specifically said that you were part of the family now.”

“Wow.” Gabrielle knocked Liam on the knee with the back of her hand. “See what marrying me does for you? Gives you entry to the inner circles.”

Liam was grinning. “I have to admit I never thought I’d see the day.”

“Me, either.” Marie and Gabi shared a grin as they both spoke at the same time.

Elliott knew that Barbara Bustamante didn’t trust Liam. He hadn’t realized how much the woman’s disregard had affected the other man. Or the two women, either.

And that was when Liam turned to Elliott. He’d been expecting it to happen. Just wasn’t sure what he was going to say. Or do.

Barbara expected him to show up in Las Vegas with them. She thought the trip would give Elliott time to observe the young financier in the city of sin. Specifically to see if he had his father’s talent for, and addiction to, gambling.

Elliott doubted his ability to spend a weekend that would be emotional for Marie, in her comp

any, without crossing professional boundaries.

“I guess you’re going to Vegas,” Liam said. Elliott had been hoping the other man would give him the weekend off. And had been trying to figure out a way to convince his number-one client, Barbara Bustamante, that he couldn’t possibly leave Denver on such short notice.

He was trying to convince himself that he could be just a friend to Marie, wanting to be there with her so she wouldn’t be a third wheel everywhere they went.

Elliott felt compelled to tell Liam, “I don’t expect you to be in any danger from this guy in Las Vegas.” He couldn’t ethically charge Liam for the hours in Vegas.

“Let’s just say I’m getting kind of used to having you around,” Liam said, sharing a glance with Gabrielle.

“That’s not really necessary, is it?” Marie asked. Her voice was hesitant. And he was suddenly foolishly hoping that she was protesting his presence because she thought she should, not because she didn’t want him there.

It would be for the best—her best—if she didn’t want him there.

But he knew she did. Just as he knew he wanted to be there. With her.

“This guy’s making me nervous,” Liam said. And Elliott figured anyone would be hard-pressed to doubt the sincerity in the man’s tone. “Who’s to say he wouldn’t follow us to Vegas?”

Everyone looked at Elliott. “There’s an outside chance.” One he couldn’t completely discount.

“So, good,” Gabrielle said. “It’s decided. We’re going to Vegas!” She made the announcement as if they’d just decided to vacation on a Greek isle.

Marie talked about the arrangements Bruce had made for their stay. Liam offered to have his secretary at Connelly book the flights.

And for the first time in his life Elliott wondered if he’d just taken on more than he could handle.


MARIE WAS TOO nervous to sleep. Too het up to sit still. Had it only been a week since she was in her bathroom with Gabrielle, getting ready to go out to dinner on a pseudo-date with her and Liam and Elliott? And now, in one week’s time, the four of them would be flying to Vegas to spend the weekend together?

She had her own room, of course.

As did Elliott.

But they’d be spending an entire weekend together.

And her mother was getting married. On hands and knees, scrubbing her bathroom floor at ten o’clock Friday night, Marie pressed harder on the ceramic tile that she and Gabi had chosen as a replacement for the ages-old cracked and yellowed linoleum that had been in both bathrooms when they first moved in.

If this relationship with Bruce was for real, if he turned out to be good to her mother for the rest of her days, then Marie was thrilled.

She was worried sick. After all, Barbara Bustamante had a poor track record when it came to her romantic choices—answering her father’s calls, hoping, hanging on, remarrying him—all in the name of love. True love, she’d said.

And now she was suddenly over him? In love with someone else?