Page 65 of For the Children

“I’m not unattached.”

Considering that she’d just made it very clear to him—and to herself—that there could be nothing between them, she should not be disappointed to hear him say that he was committed elsewhere.

“You…have a wife, after all?”


“A girlfriend?” Then why wasn’t he off being friends with her?

Making her stomach turn over with his kisses?

She hadn’t figured him for a man who disregarded monogamy. He was so completely the opposite of Thomas.

“I don’t have a girlfriend.” His voice was tentative, as though he wasn’t sure what to say next. But she waited because she knew there was more. “Like you, I have a son.”

“Where?” She couldn’t help it; her voice rose at least two octaves. “How old is he?” Who is his mother?

“I just found out.”

Valerie began to detach herself from the situation, the same way she did at work. “You got someone pregnant and now you have to marry her?” She said it matter-of-factly.


“You aren’t going to marry her.”

He cocked his head. She thought he might even be grinning a little. “You want to let me tell this story? Might save time—and help you get the facts straight.”


“No problem, Judge. I understand how it is with you court people. Always probing for the truth.”

She was missing something. There’d been a sarcastic edge to that statement.

“So tell me about your son.”

“It’s not a story I’m proud of.” He shrugged, hands still loosely in front of him. Was the man ever not comfortable in his own skin?


“I had one night of sex almost a year ago.”

Valerie sucked in a breath, apparently not as detached as she’d thought. His son was a newborn baby.

“So you are thinking about marrying her.”

It didn’t matter. She could be friends with a married man.

“This really would be easier if you’d just let me tell it,” he said, his voice lighter than before. He was enjoying the opportunity to tease her.

She’d remember that.

She hoped.

“I won’t say another word.”


She glared at him—not that it did any good. Glares needed to be seen to be effective. “I won’t.”