“Your daughter and her son are befriending me.”

“Good! Better than good. That’s great. I couldn’t have hoped for better.” At his superior’s enthusiasm, Tad squirmed. “The more inside you can get with them, the better you’ll be able to protect them on the off chance that some of her ex’s family is a danger to us. Or if she gets spooked and runs again.”

“About that, sir. Have you actually found his family? Do we know if they pose a danger?”

“Some of them have been located. Others haven’t. At least one, a brother, could pose a potential danger. We need to keep things status quo for now.”

“If you give me the man’s name, I can do some checking from here. It’s what I do best. Investigate. Find clues. Put pieces together. Track down what others can’t find. I’ve got the time.”

“I appreciate your willingness, Newberry. I’ve got someone else, equally capable, working on this.”

Yeah, the chief’s eggs-in-different-baskets philosophy was frustrating the hell out of him.

And would be, even if he wasn’t dangerously close to getting personally involved in this one.

“The thing is, sir, Miranda... Dana...has given some indication that there could be interest in a liaison between the two of us. I need you to know that I’m... I care about her. She’s everything you’d want her to be and more.”

A lot like the chief in terms of selflessly offering help to others. The way, for instance, she’d given Marie her phone number, telling the struggling woman to call day or night...

“Fine. That’s fine, Detective. Your honesty serves you well. I’ve been following your IA review, and your integrity has come through loud and clear. Whether you resume your position with your current department or not, the state of North Carolina will definitely have a place for you at the end of your sabbatical.”

But this wasn’t about him. About his future. Though, maybe for some, it would be.

“They’ve invited me to have dinner in their home tonight.” In their home. Just the three of them.

“I couldn’t be more pleased. I knew you were the right man for the job. Just...treat her well, okay? If you feel something for her, then that’s good, go with it. If not, don’t let it go so far she gets hurt. I’ll be looking forward to a more complete report on my grandson during our call tomorrow.”

Had the chief just given him the go-ahead to sleep with his daughter? As long as he cared about her? It sure sounded that way to Tad. He’d been about to clarify when the chief was interrupted and ended the call.

Tad wasn’t going to have sex with Miranda. Didn’t think it was a good plan. But getting closer to her, maybe even close enough to hold her...

Shaking his head, he returned the burner phone to the sock in the drawer, grabbed the button-down shirt he usually wore with the black jeans, lined up the hanger with the others and shut his closet door.

He’d never done undercover work, but had a pretty good idea of what it felt like. And figured he’d been right to steer clear of that option in his career. Complicated was all in a day’s work for him. Mixing life with the job, though...not his thing.

He could quit. He’d found the chief’s daughter. Could tell him to hire another man to watch over her.

That possibility had merit. He hated it, but it had merit.

The cell phone in his back pocket sounded an incoming text from the woman who was never far from his thoughts these days. So much so that he’d given Miranda her own ringtones—separate ones for text and calls.

Everything okay with Danny and Marie?

Had Marie called her? His adrenaline sped up. Devon Williams had been spotted near Marie’s house that afternoon by a police patrol. Not close enough to disobey the restraining order, but enough that a notice had been sent out.

Had he violated his order, after all? Approached Marie?

As far as I know, they’re fine. Why?

Get the facts, then act.

Ethan saw you with Danny at school today.

He quickly explained that he’d been asked to make visual contact with Danny just as a precaution and had waved at the boy, who’d actually come over to ask him a question about running with a hurt leg.

Guess you were right, the visit to your office went well, he finished. It felt good, sharing a victory with her, small as it might be.

A heads-up. Ethan’s feelings were hurt. Thinks you chose Danny over him.