Heat pricked his eyes again, and he laughed at himself, wondering when he’d become such an emotional fool. “So, are you going to marry me?”

She looked deeply int

o his eyes, and a lovely smile curled her mouth. “Yes, I am.”

* * *

Robin could barely contain the happiness that was surging through her heart. The beautiful ring was now in place on her finger, and Amersen was kissing her with such sensual expertise she was deliriously breathless and happy.

“When?” he demanded against her mouth.

She considered a sensible approach. “We’ll have a two-year engagement.”

He shook his head. “No...impossible. Too long.”

“Twelve months,” she amended, threading her fingers through his hair. “I’m not going to be rushed, and you’re not going to always get your own way with me. You have a lot going on and we need time to get to know one another. Twelve months,” she said again. “No compromise.”

He half smiled. “Okay. Unless you get pregnant,” he said, his eyes smoldering. “And since we just made love without protection, those particular cards may be on the table.”


She was dizzy thinking about having Amersen’s baby. And she wanted it. Maybe not yet, but one day.

“Tell me what happened with Gerald,” she prompted, curious and eager to shift the subject a little.

He sighed heavily. “I knew I had to face him...otherwise I would never have been able to get on with being who I am. In my heart, I am Luc Beaudin’s son, but I also know I cannot ignore everything else. I can’t pretend that the Fortunes don’t exist...particularly since I am going into business with some of them. And you know, perhaps that’s why this deal appealed to me,” he admitted quietly. “Perhaps, in some way, this is how I take small steps toward them. All I know is that I had to take ownership of whose blood is in my veins. Before I could offer you anything, I needed to face that part of myself.”

She looked at him solemnly, loving him with every part of her heart and soul. “So, do you forgive me for the whole thing with Olivia?”

“Do I forgive you for interfering in my life and making me face my demons?” He touched her chin gently. “Yes. Do you forgive me for hurting you and making you feel as though you...we...didn’t matter to me?”

She nodded. “You were angry, I understand.”

He gave a self-effacing grimace. “I was scared. I knew you could see right through me. All my life I have done exactly what I wanted. The money and fame, I am ashamed to say it came easily. Not that I didn’t have to work hard, but the results were there straight away, and I have lived a selfish life since. I got away with treating women poorly because I have notoriety and money, and that behavior does not sit well with me now. Because of you,” he said, running his thumb across her lips. “Because you challenged me and fought me and called me out when I behaved badly. I need that. I need you. I need you to always make me want to be a better kind of man.”

“You’re the best man I have ever met,” she assured him.

He smiled. “That is nice to hear, but probably not exactly true. But I promise I will be the best man I can be, for you. I will be the best husband I can be, and the best father I can be to our children.”

Robin’s heart soared. “You really want kids?”

“Absolutely,” he replied. “One day. But first, there are many things I want to do with you. I want to take you to Paris and show you my little vineyard on the hill. And every Christmas I want to take you to a different city so you can realize your dreams.”

It sounded like heaven. But it was all happening so fast she could barely draw a breath. “You know, we’ve only known one another for three weeks...this is so unexpected it’s making my head spin.”

“Does time really matter?” he asked softly. “I knew I loved you the first moment I saw you.”

Robin stared at him in openmouthed shock. “You did?”

He nodded. “You were walking through the garden at Kate’s ranch. I could not see your face, but you were wearing that white dress and that crazy big hat and you looked as though someone had plucked you from one of my dreams. My heart felt as though it had stopped. I did not understand at the time... I thought it was mere attraction and that it would fade. I thought that kissing you and making love with you would erase my desire for you—that it would make me behave as I always did.” He held her chin, looking reverently into her eyes. “But it did not. It simply made me love you more. My feelings will never fade, Robin. Je t’aime. I love you.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “I love you so very much, Amersen. And I can’t wait to see your house on the hill. Which does pose a sticky question...where are we going to live?”

He pulled her close and the blanket fell, and she knew they should have been cold...but they weren’t. “As long as we are together, does it matter where we are?”

He had a point, she thought as she kissed him.

All that mattered was that they were together. For the rest of their lives.