“What do you want?” she demanded when Amersen’s handsome face came into view from behind the flowers.
He held out the bouquet. “To apologize.”
His eyes were glittering so blue she could barely look into them. “Go away.”
He smiled. “I can’t.”
She looked at the bouquet and grimaced. “I can’t be bought off, Amersen. I told you that...gifts don’t cut it with me.”
“Then what?” he asked, still standing beneath the doorway. “What do you need? What do you want?”
She pressed a hand to her heart. “I want this. I want what is in here.”
He s
wallowed hard. “You have it. Unconditionally.”
Robin’s heart leaped through her chest. How she wanted to believe him. But how could she? He’d made his feelings about their relationship abundantly clear just hours earlier.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Let me in,” he said, his silky voice like a caress down her spine. “And I will prove it to you.”
Oh, right. Sex. That was what he wanted. That was why he was at her door. A quick roll between the sheets before he flew back to Paris.
“If you want a quickie, then go find a redhead,” she said, hurting through to her bones. “I’m sure you’ll find one in town. I’m tired of being your latest fling.”
He laughed. “I only want a particular blonde,” he said, then turned somber. “And I’m glad you don’t want a fling. Neither do I. Please, Robin...let me in so we can talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you. Go back to your hotel.”
“You’re being stubborn and unreasonable.”
She stepped back and slammed the door in his face. Then she stalked up and down the hall, cursing him under her breath. Hating him with every fiber in her body. He knocked again. And again. And again. In fact, he knocked eight times. And when he gave up and headed back down the steps, she muttered to herself how it was typical, since he gave up so easily. She peered through the curtain, expecting him to head for his car. But he didn’t. He was walking toward her parents’ house.
What’s he up to?
He looked so good, too. In his black pants, black shirt and dark coat, everything about him screamed elegant style. The best money could buy. Well, he couldn’t buy her.
She squinted to see what he was up to, scowling when she saw the back door of her parents’ house open and Amersen ushered inside. Robin’s insides churned. Damn.
She grabbed her phone and texted her brother.
What’s going on?
A couple of minutes later, her cell pinged.
Your boyfriend’s here.
She scowled again and pressed buttons like a crazy person.
He’s not my boyfriend!
Evan’s next response was quicker.
Sure looks like it from here.