“Forget the picture,” he insisted and moved closer. “And tell me why you are jealous.”

She melted. “I’m not.”

“Shall I tell you why?” he asked, dropping his head a fraction, his intent clear. “It is because you and I...we are not done. You know this. I know this.”

He kissed her, and she was lost. Robin clung to him, taking the firm yet soft exploration of his tongue in her mouth as he deepened the kiss. He was so wonderfully familiar. If she’d had any doubts that she had serious feelings for him, they quickly disappeared.

We are not done...

What did that mean?

“You’re confusing me,” she muttered against his mouth. “Why are you here?”

“I couldn’t stay away,” he admitted, kissing her again. “Have you missed me?”

“Like a hole in the head,” she replied as she took a breath. “God, my family must think I am off my rocker.”

“Who is the bigger fool?” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. “The fool who runs, or the fool who follows, hmm?”

“I wish you would go away. I was just starting to forget you.”

He pulled back and grasped her chin, raising her eyes to his. “Truly?”

“Truly,” she lied. “And don’t think just because you’re back and looking all sexy that we are simply going to pick up where we left off. First, you haven’t really explained what you are doing back in Austin, and second, I’m not sure I want to spend any more time with you.”

“Of course you do,” he said with so much self-assured arrogance she could only gape at him. “Have dinner with me tonight.”

“I can’t just drop everything and—”

“Or better still,” he said, cutting her off, “spend the day with me. There is still much of Austin that I haven’t seen. And I wish to get to know this city of yours a little better. And you.”

He wanted to spend time with her. With her. She desperately wanted to refuse him. But she was also so deliriously happy to be with him. Like a love-struck fool. Sure, she might end up with a broken heart. But in that moment, the reward outweighed the risk.

“I’ll think about it,” she said and wrapped the blanket around them both. “First, I have to go back to the house and explain to my family why I behaved like such a fool before.”

“Simply blame me for everything,” he said and chuckled.

“Oh, I intend to,” she said before she dragged his head toward hers and kissed him like crazy.

Chapter Ten

“So, the deal is done?”

They were in Austin later that afternoon, picking up a few gifts for his sister, including a T-shirt that said Keep Austin Weird, since he knew Claire would get a kick out of it.

“With Kate?” He nodded. “Yes. We are in business.”

“Congratulations,” she said and patted his hand. “I hope it’s a huge success. I know Kate wants to start working on the fragrance as soon as possible.”

“Yes, I think there will be sample options available within a month. I admit I do not know much about the process of producing a fine fragrance.”

“You’ll learn,” she assured him, and strangely, he took comfort in her words. “I mean, what did you know about owning a winery or a nightclub before you jumped in and gave it a shot?”

“Nothing,” he replied. “You are correct.”

“You’ll find I am right about most things.”

Amersen laughed and dropped the parcels on the sofa. He was staying at the same hotel, albeit in a different suite, but it was just as luxurious and well-appointed. They’d been in the room for several minutes, and he figured they were going to end up in bed soon. Their make-out session in the barn earlier that morning had ended abruptly when her nosy brother had come looking for them. They’d returned to the house and spent the next hour with her family. He tolerated their scrutiny, figuring they had every right to ask a few questions. Afterward, he waited while Robin changed, and then they headed into town. They’d had a nice afternoon, one of easy and uncomplicated companionship. And now he wanted to make love to her so much his blood was on fire.