Way beyond.

She’d never imagined she would fall in love with him. Lust, yes. But not in love with a man she hardly knew. And yet, on so many levels, she felt as though she knew him, and that he knew her, better than anyone.

Afterward, they slept, legs entwined, hands linked. When she woke up, there was a tiny sliver of light peeking through the side of the heavy blinds, and she rolled over to avoid getting morning sun in her eyes. Amersen lay on his stomach, one arm flung out over the edge of the bed, his dark hair a stark contrast against the white pillowcase. The sheet was draped low, exposing his back and hips. His smooth skin was so inviting her fingers itched with the need to touch him. She noticed a mark on his shoulder blade and another at his ribs. Love bites. Symbols of possession and passion. She probably had a few herself. She ached in places she’d forgotten could ache—but it was a heady, evocative kind of feeling. He was undeniably skilled in the bedroom and had brought her to the peak of pleasure several times. He brought out her wild side, the passionate part of her nature that she’d kept under wraps for too long. Her passion...and her heart.

Robin sucked in a long breath, feeling like such a fraud. Her great plans the night before—about taking what she wanted and not living with regret—those plans now seemed to be laughing in her face. Her insides were inexplicably tight, her breath sharp and painful, and as she looked at him, she was desperate to touch him but also unwilling to wake him up. If she did, they would make love again. And she wasn’t sure she could bear it.

Wanting him was one thing. Having real feelings for him—loving him—that was another thing altogether. Because he didn’t feel the same. He’d wooed her, he’d pursued her for days with his sexy voice and undivided attention...but she was savvy enough to know it was all part of the endgame. For this. For a night of hot sex and fun. Amersen Beaudin didn’t do relationships...he’d already made that abundantly clear. He hadn’t said he was staying in Austin any longer than planned. He hadn’t made any promises. He’d been himself, and she’d fallen for his smooth line of seduction like any woman would.

But she wasn’t about to let him see she wanted it to be any more than that.

She shimmied off the bed and looked around for her clothes. She found her shoes, her bra and her dress and quietly put them on in that order. Her thong was harder to find, but she eventually spotted it at the bottom of the bed, twisted up in the sheets. He stirred and she stilled instantly, caught like a rabbit in headlights.

He groaned and rolled, exposing way more of himself than was good for her libido. She dragged her eyes away and pulled on the thong.

“Bonjour,” he said raspily and turned onto his side, taking some of the sheet with him. He looked her over, a sexy smile curling his mouth. “You are dressed?”

Robin nodded. “I have to go,” she said quickly. “I need to get home to change and then go to work.”

He frowned. “Work?”

“It’s Monday,” she reminded him, silently wishing he would stop looking so damned gorgeous. “And I have to get to Sterling’s Fortune.” She paused, sucking in breath and bravado. “But maybe I’ll see you there later. I imagine you want to say goodbye to Kate before your flight this afternoon.”

He was still frowning. “You’re leaving? Now?”

Robin nodded again. “Yes. So, thanks for a great evening. I’ll never forget it.” She pushed some strength into her legs and walked around the bed. Determined to stay strong and resilient, she bent down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then straightened and smiled broadly. “It’s been a lot of fun, Amersen. Goodbye.”

Before he could respond, she turned and walked from the room, detouring to the sofa to collect her bag before she left the suite, closing the door behind her. Once she was out in the hall, she backed up against the door, knees like Jell-O.

It’s better this way...

Better that she made the first move to leave before she had a chance to forget good sense and beg him not to return to Paris. It was over. Done.

And as she strode down the hallway and toward the elevator, Robin wiped tears from her eyes and realized two indisputable facts—she was in love with Amersen Beaudin. And she’d pretty much sent him packing!

* * *

Blown off.

Amersen didn’t like how it felt. Not one bit. He wasn’t used to it. Usually, he was the one who bailed first. No, not usually. Always. He always left before things got awkward. Sex without consequence. Without strings or expectations. Simple and satisfying. He’d been doing that for years, and not once had a woman ever made the first move to leave.

Until now.

He sat up and swung his legs off the bed, inhaling heavily and still imagining he could pick up the scent of her perfume in the room. Hell, he wasn’t even sure it was perfume. It could have been simply soap or shampoo. She was that kind of woman—no frills or fakeness. Honest. Playful. And too damned beautiful for his peace of mind.

Amersen headed for the bathroom and took a shower, trying—and failing—to wash the intoxicating scent of her from his skin. He dressed, ordered breakfast, packed his things and then called the concierge and arranged for his rental car to be returned and a limo to take him to Sterling’s Fortune.

By the end of his second cup of coffee, he was no closer to understanding why she’d left. The night had been good. Better than good. They were insanely great together in bed. It had been the hottest and most satisfying sex of his life, and he arrogantly assumed she didn’t have any complaints about his performance.

Maybe he was wrong?

He picked up the unicorn necklace she’d left on the table.

The man I want to be with is the one who makes me laugh, the one who looks at me and makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the room. You. Just you.

Her words banged around in his head. Foolishly, a part of him wanted to believe them. And the more he considered how she’d left in such a hurry, the more irritated and resentful he became.

No one bailed on Amersen Beaudin.