“Robin,” he pleaded, his voice an agonized whisper. “I can’t take any more.”
Robin looked at him, her hair draped over his chest. His expression spoke volumes and she experienced a delightful sense of satisfaction. Without another word, she grabbed the foil packet on the bedside table and handed it to him.
He sheathed himself and then settled between her legs, nudging her entrance. Robin knew she was ready for him, and then finally he was inside her. She looked up, matched his gaze and barely blinked as he began to move. Nothing could have prepared her for the sensations he evoked.
Then he kissed her, their tongues dancing together as he created a slow, steady rhythm. He made love like he did everything—with hunger and confidence. And then he changed positions, rolling them over until she straddled him, and he held her hips, moving her back and forth in a way that was sinfully arousing. By the time release claimed them, he was back on top, driving into her with so much passion and intensity she could barely contain the scream of pleasure that formed in her throat. He kissed her as he shuddered, smothering her moans, making her mindless—and making her more connected to him than she ever had been to another person in her entire life.
When he rolled off her, he was breathing hard, his chest rising up and down. Robin’s whole body was pulsing from the aftermath, every cell super sensitive.
“I think I am lucky I did not have a heart attack,” he said in between heavy breaths.
She chuckled and closed her eyes. “Yeah, but what a way to go.”
She heard laughter rumble in his chest. “True.”
“And you’re in pretty good condition.” She trailed her fingers along his side, delighted to find he was ticklish. “You’re probably one of those annoying people who’ve never been ill in their life.”
“Wrong,” he said, eyes still closed. “I was a sickly child. Asthma,” he explained and pointed to the inhaler on the bedside table. “It still gets me occasionally.”
Robin rolled onto her side. “I think I like you more knowing you’re not completely perfect.”
He laughed again and then excused himself for a moment to go to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. When he returned, he flopped back onto the bed heavily, sliding beneath the c
“That was really great sex,” she said, smiling as she peeked sideways.
His eyes were shut. “Yes,” he agreed, laughing softly. “You are a noisy lover. I expect a complaint any moment from the concierge.”
“Ha!” she said and tossed a pillow in his direction. “All your fault.”
He was smirking. “I am happy to take the blame. It is good for my ego.”
“I don’t think your ego needs any inflating,” she remarked as her hand made its way beneath the covers and worked its way along his thigh. “But if you need something else inflated...”
He laughed and rolled, pinning her beneath him. “Insatiable woman.”
She chuckled. “I’ve decided I’m going to give up chocolate and just do this instead.”
“Good idea.” He kissed her and then looked a little solemn. “Robin...why did you change your mind about this? Yesterday you said—”
“I know what I said,” she cut him off. “I changed my mind because the truth is I was mad at myself for not taking what I wanted. Life is too short. And then after what Evan said, I just—”
She shrugged lightly and traced a finger along his jaw. “I found out today that both my brothers knew my ex had been cheating. They had caught him red-handed and never breathed a word to me. I’m sure they would have let me get engaged and then get married.” She made an irritated sound. “I felt betrayed and angry.”
He looked serious. “Perhaps they were simply trying to protect you?”
“By lying to me?” She shook her head. “That’s not protection. That’s them trying to control my life. Anyway, it doesn’t matter now.”
“It does if you’re here because you wanted a little revenge or are trying to prove a point.”
She scowled. “That’s not why I’m here, I assure you.”
He kissed her again, and she felt his growing arousal pressed against her. “Glad to hear it,” he whispered as he trailed his mouth down her neck.
They made love again, hotter, wilder, with more laughter and passion and a kind of easy companionship. The more they touched, the more they kissed and caressed, the more Robin felt herself falling. Hard. Because as the night turned into morning, she knew she had feelings for Amersen that were beyond physical attraction.