Somehow, he’d helped heal the bridge between her humiliation and despair.

I like him and he likes me.

The words she’d said to her brother earlier stayed with her. Because it was that simple. She liked him. She wanted him.

It was chemistry, pure and simple.

And suddenly, it was enough.

She didn’t want to waste another moment thinking about how he was leaving the next day. So...he’d come back. Or he wouldn’t. It would work out, or it wouldn’t. They didn’t have to make grand statements or demand commitment. They were both young and single. And the shackles of the past few months, the ones that had been holding her back from enjoying herself and actually having a life, suddenly fell to her feet. Because she knew what she wanted. And she’d go and get it. Right now. Because if she didn’t, she sensed she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Fueled by bravado, later that afternoon Robin showered, applied makeup and dresse

d in her favorite purple crushed-velvet dress that showed off a good portion of her neckline and hugged under her bust, emphasizing her waist and curvy hips. She wore heels, the kind that were good for only short distances, grabbed her bag and by six o’clock was heading into Austin.

The hotel where Amersen was staying was the best in town. A valet greeted her as she pulled up outside, and she ignored the tremble in her knees as she headed toward the lobby. The place was busy, bustling with guests and staff, and Robin took a few long breaths. She had never done this before—she’d never actively pursued a man in her life. And now here she was, standing in a hotel lobby, dressed for sex, and suddenly she realized that she might have overplayed her hand. She didn’t even know if he was at the hotel. What if he was out? Perhaps he had a date? A man who looked like Amersen wouldn’t have to try hard to find company. She might have walked right into another humiliating scene, and it would be like catching Trey with his pants around his ankles all over again. A sensible woman would have called first.

A sensible woman wouldn’t have sent him away night after night.

Robin pulled her cell from her bag, found his number and quickly sent a text before she lost her nerve.

I’m downstairs.

And she waited. Two minutes later her cell pinged.

Don’t move.

She couldn’t have moved if she tried. Her legs were wobbling so much she thought she’d fall if she dared take a step. And then, minutes later, she saw him, striding toward her from the elevator. Dressed in black, he looked handsome and exotic and exactly what she craved to quell the desire thrumming through her body. He stopped a few feet away, his gaze traveling over her slowly, until finally he reached her eyes.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hello,” he said, his voice raspy. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

Robin shrugged one shoulder. “I know. I’m sorry, I should have called first. I was... I was...”

“You look so beautiful,” he said, the rawness in his tone speaking volumes.

Robin fiddled with the edge of her dress. “It’s...purple.”

“It’s...jolie,” he said. “Lovely.”

She swallowed hard. “I was wondering if you still wanted to—”

“Yes,” he said quickly, cutting her off. “Of course.”

She smiled. He was nervous. She liked that. It relaxed her edgy nerves. “I thought we could have dinner if you still wanted to...unless you have other plans.”

“I have no other plans,” he said and reached out to grasp her hand and then gently pull her close. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Mon Dieu,” he muttered against her neck. “You take my breath away.”

Robin’s weakened knees trembled. “Amersen.” She said his name on a sigh and then gently touched his jaw with her fingertips. “Would you do something for me?”

He grabbed her hand, looked directly into her eyes and pressed her knuckles to his mouth. “Anything.”

“Would you make love to me tonight?”

He groaned out her name, gently squeezing her fingers. “I’ll give you a night you will never forget.”

Chapter Eight