“Goodbye, Amersen,” she said, her choice of words clearly defining the parameters of their relationship. But he didn’t say goodbye. He didn’t say anything more. He simply pulled the car keys from his hip pocket, strode through the back door and left.

By the time he was in his rental car and driving away from the ranch, Amersen figured it was for the best. He was in Texas for one thing—to consider Kate Fortune’s business proposal. Not to get involved with Robin Harbin. No matter how much he wanted to.


Business had to come first. It always did. He’d make a decision about Kate’s offer and then head home to Paris, where he belonged. He had a couple more days, and then he’d be gone. No more Texas, no more Fortunes and no more bewitching honey blonde.

Still, that didn’t explain why he felt so damned lonely as he drove back toward Austin.

Chapter Five

“All I’m saying is, don’t be fooled by this guy.”

Robin let out a long, impatient sigh and stared at her brother. She loved Evan, she really did, but sometimes he could be an overbearing pain in the rear end. And the last thing she wanted on Thursday afternoon was a pep talk from her older sibling, who’d made it his business to travel out to Sterling’s Fortune to give her a lecture on whom she shouldn’t or should date.

Pity he hadn’t dished out the advice when she’d made the mistake of falling for Trey.

But this conversation wasn’t about Trey. It was about Amersen Beaudin. Whom her mother had apparently mentioned to Evan on the phone earlier that morning. Then Veronica had raced around to Robin’s house before she left for work and informed her that Evan had told her Amersen was some kind of womanizing playboy who bedded a different woman every week. He was a wolf. A shark. He was no good for her. He was going to break her heart. He was exactly the kind of man a good girl should avoid. Robin had listened while her mother offered a whole bunch of platitudes about the wrong kind of guy, and then Robin spent ten minutes telling her mother she wouldn’t be seeing Amersen again, so there was nothing to worry about. Then she left for work, thinking the conversation over and done with.

Except the idea that she’d brought Amersen to the family ranch, where they’d all been born and raised, seemed to send her brothers into some kind of macho tailspin and resulted in Evan getting the short straw and visiting her at work to give her the aforementioned lecture.

“You’re being ridiculous,” she said and grabbed her tool kit from the table in the greenhouse. “I’m not being fooled by anyone, and for the last time, I’m not dating Amersen Beaudin. We went for one horseback ride, we had dinner with Mom and Dad, then he went back to his hotel. End of story. So, let up, will you?”

She wasn’t about to mention that they’d made out in the barn. It wasn’t anyone’s business what she did, or with whom. Sure, the guy could kiss. But since she wouldn’t be kissing him again, it made no difference.

Evan frowned. “Mom thinks you like him.”

Robin rolled her eyes. “Really, what is this, high school? Go back to your office, Evan. I’ve got things to do.”

She strode from the greenhouse, shoulders back, temper at boiling point and thinking that sometimes being the youngest sibling was unbearable. It took about two seconds to realize that her brother was following in her wake, still jabbering about how he’d done some research that morning and how Amersen was infamous throughout Europe and had a list of sexual conquests a mile long. She didn’t want to hear it—for three reasons. First, it didn’t make one iota of difference, since she doubted she’d see him again. Second, she wasn’t going to take a lecture from her brother about her dating life. And third, she didn’t like how the idea that Amersen jumped from bed to bed made her feel.

“I’m just trying to help you see sense,” Evan implored, following her into the house through the rear entrance.

“You’re just trying to control my life,” she snapped and kept walking.

She knew the housekeeper was upstairs, Kate was in her study working and Sterling was in town on an errand. Kate’s husband had sworn Robin to secrecy earlier that morning when he told her he was planning on gifting Kate with a French bulldog puppy for Christmas and was visiting a breeder to make his selection from the litter. Robin knew Kate would be surprised and delighted by the gift, since she’d lost her previous and beloved pet some months earlier. She also knew Kate and Sterling wouldn’t mind Evan being in the house, since they were acquainted with both her brothers and her parents.

“I’m trying to protect you,” Evan said. “There’s a difference.”

Robin stomped through the kitchen and reached the main foyer area. The huge cypress tree had been delivered that morning and stood center stage in the middle of the foyer, extending several feet above the polished walnut balustrade on the second floor. Plus, several large boxes of garlands and decorations had been brought out of storage and were waiting to go up around the house. Christmas was barely weeks away, and she had mountains of work to do to get the house ready for the festive celebrations and the Fortunes’ annual Christmas Eve party.

“Evan, you’re my brother and I love you, but please stay out of my life. And leave, right now.”

“Not until you promise you won’t see him again.”

She rolled her eyes irritably. “This isn’t the eighteenth century, you know. I don’t need your permission or approval to go on a date with someone. Or anything else.”

His gaze narrowed. “So, you admit that you are dating him?” His frown deepened. “And what do you mean, anything else? Please don’t tell me you’re sleeping with some guy you just met.”

Robin glared at her hypocritical sibling. Evan was handsome and successful and drew women to him like bears to a honey pot. Unlike the equally handsome but more serious Reece, whose wife had left him several years earlier and who seemed in no hurry to get back on board the dating train. “Really? I’m getting a lecture from a man whose bedroom has a revolving door?”

He didn’t even try to look embarrassed. “See, I know what I’m talking about. Guys are only after one thing. And once we get what we want, it’s over.”

“You know, you really should give your sister way more credit.”

Robin gasped slightly at the deep voice and turned on her heels.
