“I’m pretty sure we both know what I’m after.”

She didn’t even make the effort to look shocked or affronted. Her manner both intrigued and aroused him. In the past, women had gone to unbelievable lengths to hang on to his interest. But Robin Harbin didn’t seem to care one iota if he was interested or not. And it made him want her more than he’d imagined possible. Of course, a little voice warned him, her ploy could be exactly that—show contempt and keep him hanging off her every word like a puppy dog. But instinct told him she wasn’t made that way. Despite her temper and their constant sparring, there was something earnestly refreshing about her. And the more time he spent with her, the deeper he was drawn toward her sultry laugh and straight-talking conversation.

“Sex?” she queried, one brow arched.

He shrugged. “Who’s to say what the future holds?”

“True,” she said. “But I should let you know, I don’t sleep around casually. I never have and I’m not going to start now. You might think I’m a flirt and easy...but I’m not.”

“I don’t think that,” he assured her. “In fact, I think you’re probably the most difficult woman I’ve ever met. Captivating...but challenging.”

“Idiot,” she said and laughed loudly.

Amersen laughed in response and then repositioned himself in the saddle as one foot slipped from a stirrup. “So, this secret, what is it?”


“To garner your approval.”

“There’s no secret. Just be yourself.”

“An egotistical snob,” he said and moved up beside her, so close their stirrups clanged. “Isn’t that what you called me yesterday?”

“It was exactly what you deserved.”

“When I assumed you knew nothing about business and insulted you?” he reminded her. “You’re right...I was an ass.”

She didn’t respond; instead, she clicked her horse forward and then urged the mare down a steep embankment. Amersen held the gelding back for a moment, then watched as Robin turned her head, and he noticed her expression was as daring as he’d ever seen. And defiant. He also knew she was waiting for him to bail.

Not a chance...

He turned Blackjack’s head and headed down the ridge, holding on to the saddle horn even though he didn’t need to, aware that she was watching his every move. There was an outcrop of rocks and several trees about fifty feet from the bottom of the embankment, and without consulting her, Amersen headed for them. Once he reached the shade, he dismounted and tethered the gelding to a low-slung branch.

She wasn’t far behind and quickly had the mare hitched beside Blackjack.

“This is a nice spot,” Amersen said and ditched the helmet, running a hand briefly over his head and grimacing when he realized his hair was plastered to his scalp. He shook his head and tried to reassemble his hair into something normal.

“Don’t stress,” Robin said and grinned as she took off her Stetson and hooked it over the saddle. “You still look good enough to have your face on a billboard.”

“You know, I’m not as hung up on my appearance as you seem to think.”

Her brows shot up. “I’ll bet you spend more time getting spruced up in the morning than I do. A ponytail and some sunscreen and I’m done. I’m what you’d call low maintenance,” she quipped.

Amersen’s mouth twisted. “You’re about as high maintenance as it gets.”

She grinned a little. “I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before.”

“Not by your ex-boyfriend?” he asked, curious and not hiding the fact.

“Nope,” she replied and perched her behind on a nearby rock. “Can I ask you something?”

He nodded. “Of course.”

“What are you really doing here?”

“Here?” he echoed and waved a hand. “You invited me.”

“I meant in Austin,” she said. “Are you really considering Kate’s offer? Or are you hanging around for some other reason?”