When the man left, Braden leaned in again. “And I’m sorry for pressuring you on the other stuff. These are your children. We were very clear from the first about that. My participation was my own idea and—”

She almost held her tongue. Because she thought ultimately it might be the best way to preserve their friendship. But it wouldn’t be best for their children. Or for either of them.

“I’m going to put your name on their birth certificates, Bray,” she said. “That’s why I was calling the other night. I’d just woken up with this horrible dream and—”

She stopped. She couldn’t tell him her nightmare. They seemed to be reaching some new understanding, a more honest understanding perhaps, but there were some things that didn’t change.

Braden’s abhorrence of drama and emotion of any kind being one of them.

Her obsession with having a biological relationship above all else being another.

“Anyway, you’re right,” she said. “It will be far better for the kids. And as long as you’re willing to have them know about you, then they should know.”

Everything about him seemed to change. He sat back. His expression settled. It was as though she could see the tension physically slide from his body.

And she knew, in spite of her apprehensions to the contrary, she’d made the right choice.

* * *

Life was good. His building was going up. All initial inspections had passed. Potential tenants were putting in applications and things with Mallory were finally resolved. She was going to bring The Bouncing Ball to L.A. Braden was satisfied that all was as it should be.

Driving back to L.A. that evening, he was looking forward to the future. Mallory was happier than he’d seen her in a long time. As the legal father of her children he’d have a solid place in her life and the right to take care of her or her children if the need arose.

He was free to pursue a more committed relationship with Anna. If she was still interested.

Yes. Things were working out according to plan.


They’d talked over lunch about having a legal custody agreement drawn up. He was taking charge of it, paying for the attorney, everything. She’d have full custody and he would be signing away any rights during her lifetime. The children were going to be added to his will. She was going to set up a trust for the children, leaving them all of her worldly goods, and stipulating him as legal guardian of them in the event that anything happened to her.

He would not contact the children outside of his friendship with Mallory. If they wanted to see him, separate and alone, he would make himself available to them pursuant to arrangements made through Mallory.

The one thing they hadn’t thought of was his mother and sister. The children were going to have a grandmother and an aunt who would adore them.

Dote on them.

Biological family to love them.

He dialed Mallory through his steering wheel, activating Voice Command.

“I just thought of something,” he said when she picked up. It wasn’t six yet. She’d still be at the daycare, but would most likely be alone.


“My mom and sister. As much as Mom drives me nuts, she also loves like the gush of the ocean.”

The pause on the end of the line didn’t seem good.

“Just think about it,” he said. “A biological grandmother could be something you want for them. If you do, let me know. I’ll take care of it.”



“When do we realize that this is getting too complicated?”

“It won’t be complicated,” he told her, refusing to get sucked into the mire. “We make the choices here. Or rather, you do. You’re in complete control.”