
He took a couple more steps, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans instead of reaching for her hand. He’d established the purpose of this meeting. The walk. Made it clear.

And didn’t like what he had to deal with.

“It’s okay, Johnny. You needn’t worry that I’ll make any more out of it than it was, if that’s what’s bothering you.”

Good to know, but he wasn’t sure that was it.

“I knew the score going in,” she said. “We’ve got another couple of months together, max, and then the partnership dissolves.”

He wasn’t even sure what that meant anymore.

“We’ll be forming a new partnership, of sorts,” he was quick to point out. “With the nonprofit.”

“I hope you get it up and running,” she told him. “I really do think it’s a wonderful idea and I’d be excited to help out in any way I can,” she said. He heard a “but” in her tone. Didn’t ask about it.

“All I’m saying,” she continued when he still didn’t take back control of the meeting he’d instigated, “is that you aren’t going to be living next door to me. Or be anywhere in my sphere. We live two completely different lives, and I just want you to know I won’t be hounding you or going to the press or...even telling anyone I once knew you. Like I said, I won’t make more of this than there was.”

What if he wanted to make more of it? The thought occurred and he figured it was coming more from his crotch than his brain.

His brain told him, however, that she was right on all counts.

“Besides, I can hardly blame you for what happened or try to trap you into something when I’m the one who came on to you.”

He hadn’t missed that point. Had revisited it numerous times over the past hours. Always with a hard-on.

“It was...unlike you,” he said.

“I know.”

“Probably because of the wine.” And because he’d made his physical need for her such a big deal earlier in the week. That hadn’t been the fairest move. Not when he knew she was relying on him more than usual with all the Jason stuff going on.

“It wasn’t the wine, Johnny.” She didn’t miss a step. “I made the choice before you even opened the bottle.”

“You aren’t keen on unconditional sex,” he reminded her. “And clearly don’t take sex lightly, based on the fact that you’ve only had one lover in years.”

“Two, now.”

Her statement, the droll tone of her voice, went straight to his groin.

Two, now. Yes, he was now one of her lovers. That put a little extra oomph in his step.

“And you’re right,” she continued. “I don’t take sex lightly. I didn’t take last night lightly. I just don’t want you to think I have any intention of cashing in on what happened. You’re an incredibly rich man. I’ve only just begun to realize how rich.” Her chuckle sounded a bit uncomfortable. “Much richer than I realized.”

Okay, he got the rich part. The way she kept saying the word made him feel like he should go take a shower, rid himself of some of his richness.

Her tone was respectful. The words were, too. There was also the implication that the richer he got, the farther away from her he’d be.

“I’m sure you’ve had women using you, hoping to get something out of you, and I want to assure you that’s not me.”

She wasn’t trying to get something out of him. And she wasn’t looking for more.

“Why, then?” he asked. He lost all desire for sex as a thought occurred to him. “Tell me you didn’t have sex with me to put me out of my misery. As some kind of mercy act. Or a way to pay me back for helping you out.” The words alone, saying them, made him feel sick to his stomach.

“Of course not!” She took his hand. Squeezed it. “I wanted it as badly as you did.”

Okay, things were looking up again. “Physically?” He wasn’t taking anything for granted.