“You don’t seem to need me all that much,” he muttered.

What? She stared at him. Had he sounded a bit...petulant? Johnny? She must have misunderstood.

“Could you clarify that statement?” Now she was the one sounding all distant and businesslike, but she was truly perplexed.

“I’m just saying...this partnership, working together to reach our individual goals—the idea was that it was supposed to be fifty–fifty.”

“And you think I’m not keeping up my end of the bargain?” As she thought back over the weekend, a wave of heat followed by cold washed over her. “Johnny, I know I messed up an order, dropped food in the truck and probably wasn’t as fast as I usually am, but I swear to you, I’m committed to seeing the Angel’s Food Bowls truck make the money you’ve set as your goal. Her truck will be a proven success and a huge boon to local charities. I promise you...”

He was shaking his head again and she stopped. With everything they’d done, the business they’d already built, he could continue alone, hire someone to take orders at the window, and he’d still reach his goal before his year was up. Was he ready to end their partnership now? Trying to tell her they were through?

In truth, he hadn’t signed on to be volunteer legal counsel to her and a divorced couple they’d only just met. And then there was the investigator. She had to pay his bill immediately—so Johnny would know she wasn’t going to take more than she gave...

“I involved you in every aspect of my project, even down to wardrobe,” he said.

“I realize that, Johnny. And I’m happy to do my part. Whatever you need, just say it.”

He was still shaking his head.


“Forget it.”

“No.” She was going to get angry in a minute. If their partnership was at risk, they couldn’t simply walk away. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

He’d stopped at a red light and turned to face her. “You sure you want to know?”

More was going on than her not doing her part. It felt as if they were getting ready to cross a boundary that, once crossed, would disappear forever. It felt like he was giving her the chance to back down. Bow out. Now. Before irrevocable changes happened between them.

But the change had already happened. Looking him in the eye, she saw that.

“Yes,” she told him. “I want to know.”

“Okay, just remember you asked for it.”

She nodded. The light turned green and he pulled ahead. She watched the road, too, every muscle in her body tightened with fear for them, bracing herself.

“I’m pissed off,” he said mildly—and yet in true Johnny style. She understood. He was angry. He just wasn’t holding her accountable for it. Because their partnership didn’t have a place for them to be angry at each other. Their partnership required that they walk away from the heavy stuff.

She almost chuckled hysterically as she had that thought. They were paying homage to his dead wife, helping him grieve in the only way he knew how. They were searching for her abducted son and doing whatever it took to bring him safely home. Did it get any heavier than that?

And yet, the heaviness they both carried was the reason their partnership had to have its step-away point. The emotional boundaries they’d put on their friendship gave them the space to help each other. The boundaries were what made the partnership work.

Now was the time for her to be quiet. They were almost home. They’d have three full days apart if they wanted and needed them. She strongly considered the option.

Part of her needed that option. The week had drained her. She had to get back to work, to find her strength.

“Tell me why you’re pissed off.” Another part of her needed him. What scared her was that the needy part seemed to be the driving force within her where he was concerned.

“I’ve involved you fully in my project, and yet you hold out on me. Last night, sitting at that table, I felt like a fool. I’m there as your partner in all of this, thinking you need my expertise, offering it to a couple of total strangers on your behalf, and then I listen as you give them more facts about the case we’re handling than you’ve ever given me.”

Thinking back over the night before, she knew when it had gone wrong for her and Johnny. It was when she’d talked about sleeping with Mark.

“I didn’t realize until last night that the details of Jackson’s conception could be pertinent. You knew what mattered, Johnny.”

“I’m not talking about that, although from here on in, understand that it’s important I know everything about the man. If Mark is Matt, I have to know everything you know...”

She nodded. Then, because he was driving and couldn’t see her response, she said, “Okay.”