At seventeen, having seen far too much of the awful things she did to people, he’d taken off before she could.

Shaking his head, he reminded himself not to focus on the past. Yet, even now, with his mother claiming to be dying, he had difficulty believing anything she said. In fact, he couldn’t help but suspect she had an ulterior motive for wanting him to be here. She never did anything without a reason,

usually one that benefited her.

He took a hot shower and then stretched out on his bed with the intention of dozing. But images of a doe-eyed woman with a sleepy smile had him tossing and turning. He finally abandoned the idea of a nap and decided to go for a walk instead. Might as well explore the AAG headquarters and grounds.

Managing to slip through the lobby unnoticed, he headed in search of an exit that went to the back and the garden area he’d viewed from his room. To his annoyance, Micheline’s overly chipper minion caught sight of him and made a beeline for him, her heels tapping a staccato beat on the floor.

“There you are!” Leigh beamed at him as if she felt so delighted to see him. “Where are you going?”

He explained he’d decided to tour the premises, which appeared to distress her.

“Alone?” she asked, her tone appalled. “What happened to Fiona? She was given the task of escorting you anywhere you wanted to go.”

“I told her I wanted to take a nap,” he clarified, not wanting to cause trouble for Fiona. “She has no idea that I’ve even left my room.”

“I see.” Still frowning, Leigh thumbed her walkie-talkie and spoke a few words into it. When she met his gaze again, she’d smoothed out her expression. “Fiona will be here momentarily.”

With an effort, he kept from groaning out loud. “I really didn’t want to disturb her,” he said.

Leigh’s brightly painted lips widened into a smile so false, it made him want to grimace. “For the time that you’re here, Fiona is to devote herself completely to you. Micheline has given her that assignment, and it’s in her best interest to make sure she does what she’s asked to do.”

Was that a threat? The words seemed to indicate it was, though Leigh’s vacuously pleasant expression told him she wouldn’t see it that way.

Fiona rounded the corner, hurrying toward them. The first sight of her caught him like a punch in the stomach.

Dark eyes troubled, she swung her gaze from him to Leigh. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to help you,” she began. “I had no idea.”

“Why would you?” he asked, watching her for the slightest indication that she might be afraid. There. That slight tremble in her lush lips. So help him, if Micheline dared enact some sort of punishment on Fiona, he’d have her hide.

Leigh watched Fiona, her eyes narrowed, her expression hawkish. Suddenly, he realized what he had to do. “I apologize,” he said, softening his tone. “I give you my word I won’t go anywhere without letting you know.”

Fiona locked gazes with him. Finally, she gave a quick nod. “Whew. Glad we got that sorted out.”

“Me, too,” Leigh chirped. She patted Fiona lightly on the back and then marched away, her task clearly completed.

“What was that about?” Jake asked. “Did I get you in some sort of trouble for going off without you?”

“Of course not.” Her small flash of a smile contained no humor. “I imagine your mother is just overly concerned with making sure you have a good time.”

“That has to be it,” he agreed, even though he knew damn good and well it wasn’t. “I saw a beautiful garden area from my room. Would you take me there?”

Though she gave a confident nod, she leaned in close. “I’m new here, so I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about. But unless you want me to call Leigh, how about you and I try to find it on our own?”

The warmth of her breath tickled his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. Her scent intoxicated him. Resisting the urge to reach out and touch her hair, he managed to agree. “No Leigh. You and I will just wander around until we find it ourselves.”

“We’ll just go out back. Since your room faces that way, I’m sure we can manage to happen upon it.” She shrugged. “I’ve only been outside a couple of times, but I remember how to get back to that walled-off area. I’m sure that’s where the gardens are.”

It turned out she was right. They followed a pebbled stone pathway bordered by lush plants and flowers. When they turned one corner of the building, he saw the bench he’d spotted from his window.

“Wow.” Fiona stopped short, one hand to her chest. “I can’t believe I never knew this was here.”

He took a seat on the bench, gesturing her to sit beside him. Moving gingerly, she did, leaning back and stretching her legs out in front of her. She sighed. “This is nice.”

Chancing a glance sideways at her, he admired the way her dark hair gleamed in the sun. Sensual, he thought of her expression, and then pushed the thought away. Not going there. With her eyes half-closed, she actually appeared relaxed, no longer vibrating with tension.

Because of this, he allowed himself to let go of some of his own stress. He hadn’t wanted to come and he didn’t like being here with the knowledge that his mother somehow was manipulating him, but for this small moment in this peaceful garden, he could release all that.