gues is at the jail, waiting to see Dad. He’s trying to expedite a bail hearing so we can get Dad home before he gets sick.”

“Can we go see him?” Ace wanted to know.

“Right now, they aren’t allowing any visitors other than his lawyer,” Ainsley replied. “If we can get bail set, we’ll be able to post bond and bring him home.”

Impressed with the younger woman’s efficiency and optimism, Fiona kept her mouth shut. In her experience, the legal system moved at a snail’s pace and wouldn’t be hurried along by anyone. She could only hope that in this case, Ainsley was right.

Sierra offered to give Fiona a ride back to the AAG center, most likely because she felt as out of place as Fiona did. Fiona accepted, kissing Jake on the cheek and asking him to keep her posted.

The two women kept the chatter light and inconsequential on the drive. Fiona had met a bounty hunter or two in the past, and Sierra did not fit her preconceived notions of individuals in that profession at all.

Once they reached the AAG center, Sierra dropped her off and waved a cheerful goodbye. As she got out of the car, Fiona impulsively turned. “You and I should get together sometime when things aren’t this crazy,” she said. “Talk over a drink and get to know one another.”

Sierra grinned. “I’d like that. Let’s plan on it.”

As they’d all feared and as their cousin Bella had warned them, the story hit the newspaper the next day. “Body Found on Rattlesnake Ridge Ranch!” the headline screamed. “Prominent citizen Payne Colton arrested and charged with murder.”

Fiona’s stomach clenched when she read the story. Selina had gone ahead and leaked the information to the paper. It didn’t escape Fiona’s attention that since the woman had clearly known about this for years and helped cover it up, she could also be named as an accessory. Though Fiona wouldn’t put it past her to have worked up some sort of plea agreement in advance. Fiona itched to check in with the Mustang Valley Police Department and see what she could learn, but felt doing so officially would be unethical since the FBI wasn’t involved in the case at all.

She just needed to put her head down and work. The sooner they’d gone through every square foot of the AAG center, the better case they’d have built against Micheline.

Still, the day crawled slowly past. Fiona helped catalog and bag evidence, trying to keep her mind on the task despite being unable to stop thinking about Jake.

She must have pulled out her phone a dozen times with the intention of calling Jake. Each time, she reconsidered. No doubt he, and the entire Colton family, were already aware of this. She needed to wait until he called her. He’d found himself in a unique and awkward position, just getting to know his new family while under the shadow of a major investigation.

When he finally called, he wanted to know if she’d like to come over and look at Tessa’s photographs with him again. “I’m going to spend a couple hours in there tonight, and I could use your professional help?”

This surprised her. “Professional? What do you mean?”

“Going through things,” he replied, making her wonder if he deliberately chose to sound vague. “I’m more of an outdoor guy, not a paper pusher. Just the thought of trying to see my mother by flipping through tons of photographs is overwhelming to me.” His voice softened. “Plus, I’d like to see you. I’d enjoy your company.”

She laughed. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Do you want me to bring anything?”

“Just yourself. We’ll grab dinner here. Ace had the cook make a bunch of sandwiches since everything is so crazy right now. They’re stored in the fridge.”

“Is Payne out yet?”

“Not yet. Ainsley is up there now posting bond. She said she’s not leaving until she has him with her.”

“I really like her,” Fiona told him.

“Me, too. I really hit the jackpot when it comes to family,” Jake said. “Both Ace and I got lucky. See you soon.”

She hung up, thinking she’d also lucked out in meeting him. While she didn’t know where this relationship might be going, she couldn’t wait to find out.

Chapter 16

After ending the call, Jake walked downstairs and went out to sit on the front porch and wait for Fiona. He’d felt weird all day, as if there was something vitally important he’d managed to overlook. Though he had no idea what that might be or even what it might relate to, he’d learned from past experience that sitting outside in nature and clearing his mind often helped him figure out a solution to whatever problem he had.

The Triple R had several oversize rocking chairs on one side of the house. He took a seat in one, taking in the breathtaking view of land and livestock and mountains. A sense of calm, of peace, stole over him. With all the recent turmoil, it felt good to sit and breathe, to simply exist.

In one of the pastures below him, a horse reared up, kicking up a clump of dirt before taking off running, tail streaming high behind him. Soon another horse joined him, and then another, galloping just for the sheer joy of it.

By the time Fiona pulled up, driving a government-issued dark sedan instead of the old junker she’d used before, he felt calm and centered. And hopeful—more hopeful than he’d been in forever.

“Hey!” He stood, moving down the steps to greet her. The instant she swung her long legs out of the car, he pulled her close and held on tight. “You smell good,” he told her, trying to identify the scent and failing.

“Lavender and vanilla body lotion,” she said, smiling up at him.