“We’ll take this to a vote. All those in favor, raise your hands and say aye.”

One by one, every single person at that table raised their hands and agreed. Save one. Selina. Mouth tight, eyes flashing, she pushed to her feet.

“Don’t you see what he is doing?” she cried. “Each and every one of you? He’s going to take away your birthrights and give it to that no-good son of his. Even worse, Ace isn’t really even his! He’s not a Colton by blood. I see no reason why he should be allowed to have anything at all to do with this company. Stand up for what is right,” she entreated. “Because this is absolute nonsense.”

No one spoke. In fact, they all sat frozen, appearing uncomfortable, watching Payne for his reaction.

“You’re finished, Selina,” Payne said. “I’m ousting you. From the board, from the company and our lives. I want you to go to your office, pack your things and get out of my building. I’ll have my attorneys draw up papers immediately with your severance package.”

Instead of surprise, fury darkened her eyes. “You won’t dare, Payne Colton. Because you know damn well I’ll reveal your little secret. The one I’ve kept for way too long. It will destroy you.” With a self-confident smirk, she dared him to contradict her.

Payne took a deep breath. Jake saw the barest hint of nerves in the way the old man’s fingers trembled. But he lifted his chin and met Selina’s gaze. “Go ahead. My family has already been to hell and back, and we’re still strong. We’ve survived everything else, and we’ll damn sure survive you and the blackmail you’ve levied against me for years.”

“You’ll be sent away to prison for life,” she warned. “And you’ll never see that precious family of yours. Remember, there’s no statute of limitations on murder.”

Murder? Jake started. Next to him, he heard Ace suck in his breath.

“It was self-defense,” Payne declared, looking around the room. “I swear to you.”

Selina snorted. “He told me he shot and killed a man at the mansion during his marriage to Tessa. Turned out the guy was a well-known enemy of his and he was afraid to report it, so he buried the body himself and told no one.”

“When was this?” Ace asked.

“Thirty-five years ago,” Payne replied. “You first three kids were small. It was right before Tessa got sick and died.”

A long time to carry such an awful secret, Jake thought. This entire thing felt intensely private, and Jake really wished he were somewhere else—anywhere else instead of there.

“I’ll give you twenty-four hours to chang

e your mind,” Selina announced. “If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll go to the police. And I know exactly where you buried the body, remember? I’m sure the Mustang Valley Police Department will happy to reopen a cold case like this, especially with such a high-profile killer.”

Snatching up her designer alligator-skin briefcase, Selina sailed out the door. She paused at the last moment and turned. “You can all go to hell,” she said. A moment later, she roared off in her Porsche. They all wanted to cheer that she was finally out of their lives, but the gravity of her accusations made that impossible.

Only once she’d left did Payne’s impassive expression crumble. “I’m so screwed,” he said, covering his face with both his hands. “Everything she said was true, except it really was self-defense.”

Ace went to him and clasped his shoulder. “There’s got to be a way to prove that. We’ll do whatever it takes.”

“I’ll help, too.” Jake pushed to his feet and joined Ace. He exchanged a troubled look with the man he’d come to regard as a brother. “Somehow, we’ll figure something out.”

Chapter 15

After the meeting broke up, Jake and Ace collected a visibly shaken Payne and left Colton Oil. The somber mood felt heavy, much different than the one they’d driven out with. As they drove back to the Triple R, Jake watched the two in the front seats, worried. Neither man spoke much, each lost in his own thoughts.

“Mustang Valley sure is a dramatic place,” Jake finally said, hoping to lighten the mood.

Ace shot him a surprised look, but then he smiled. “It has been lately,” he agreed. “So much craziness going on, we could be an episode of one of those television soap operas.”

Once they arrived at the ranch, Jake went up to his new digs and called Fiona. Rather than sit around and brood in the unfamiliar room, he wanted to find out what time she’d be finished with work. Maybe they could go out for dinner or take a walk.

“I’m just wrapping things up now,” she said, sounding delighted to hear from him. “Since it’s too early to eat yet, maybe we can figure out something else to do.”

The husky invitation in her voice made his body stir. “I’m on my way to pick you up,” he said. “I’ll be there in ten.”

As he pulled up in front of the AAG center, he knew for him, the rustic beauty of the huge house would forever be tainted. Micheline might be safely behind bars, but he’d always feel her presence in this location. Always.

The instant Fiona climbed into Jake’s pickup, she somehow knew that something had gone wrong. “Are you all right?” she asked sharply.

He told her all about his visit to Colton Oil, the board meeting and Selina’s threats.