Pushing thoughts of him away, she returned her focus to where it belonged right now—her search. She’d give Jake a call later, once she was off duty.

* * *

Though Jake had wondered if he’d feel awkward, walking into the huge house at the Triple R felt almost like coming home. Part of that feeling might have been the warm welcome everyone gave him, from Payne and his wife, Genevieve, who actually hugged him this time, to Ainsley, Grayson, the twins Marlowe and Callum, as well as Asher, and a host of other family members. Jake did wonder how Ace had managed to coordinate everything, but he definitely appreciated their kindness.

“I feel like one of the family,” Jake mused to Ace after Ace had shown him his room.

Ace laughed. “You are one of the family,” he said. “Actually more than I am.”

Studying the other man, who appeared both confident and relaxed, Jake decided he might as well ask, especially since they were all going to be in such close quarters. “How are you feeling about all this, Ace? I definitely don’t want to be encroaching on your...”

“Territory?” Ace grinned even wider. “You couldn’t. They love me like a son. Hell, I was their son for forty years. I still am. As are you, now. Believe me, the Colton family has enough room in their hearts for one more.” His smile faded. Stepping forward, he clasped Jake’s shoulder. “I never, ever want you to feel uncomfortable or awkward around any of us, understand? None of what happened was your fault.”

Slightly embarrassed, Jake nodded. “I know. I just wondered if it felt weird.”

“Yes, of course it does.” Ace released him, going to the window and pulling aside the drapes so he could see out. “At first, I questioned my own identity. I mean, Micheline is a pretty awful woman. Anyone would have issues learning they were actually related to her.”

Now Jake had to laugh. “I know, believe me. I lived with that for forty years. It was hell.”

Ace’s cell phone rang. Glancing at the screen, he glanced at Jake. “Sorry, I need to take this.” Answering, he walked out into the hallway to listen.

Jake placed his suitcase on the bed, debating unpacking. He decided he might as well. He hadn’t brought a lot of clothes since originally he hadn’t planned on staying long. Since then, he’d bought a few things, but he really needed to go shopping again. Maybe he and Fiona could make plans to do that when she was off work.

“Wow.” Returning, Ace grinned at Jake, his expression both bemused and excited. “I’m officially a grandfather.”

“What?” Stunned, Jake eyed the other man. Since they were the exact same age, he could hardly imagine. “I didn’t even know you had kids.”

“One—I just found out, to be honest. Her name is Nova. She just gave birth to her daughter, Clara, with her boyfriend, Nikolas, by her side.” Ace shook his head. “He’s a great guy. The baby isn’t even biologically his, but he loves Clara so much, he’s planning to raise her as his own daughter.” A single tear leaked from one eye. Ace wiped it away with one finger. “I knew her due date was coming up, but I wish someone had called me when Nova went into labor.”

“Congratulations.” Jake held out his hand.

Ace gripped it, still grinning. “I’ve got to head up to the hospital. I want to see my granddaughter. And make sure Nova is doing okay.”

“How about I take you?” Jake offered. “You seem a bit too shook up to drive.”

Expression still a potent mixture of joy and bewilderment, Ace shook his head. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m fine. Just a bit...overcome, I guess.” He snapped his fingers. “I need to stop and get some flowers or something. A teddy bear for the baby. I’ll see you later back here.”

He started to walk off, but then turned. “Oh, before I forget, Ainsley is planning a get-together so the entire family—cousins and all—can meet you. Bring Fiona, too, of course. I’m sure Ainsley will get you details as soon as she finalizes everything.”

Ace rushed off, still muttering to himself under his breath.

After unpacking, Jake debated going into town alone and doing some shopping. But since buying clothes was a task he despised, he decided to wait and see if Fiona wouldn’t mind joining him.

He wandered downstairs, still feeling pretty self-conscious, thinking he might go out to the barn and check out the horses. With Ace gone and the rest of the Colton family busy with their jobs or their daily routines, the massive house seemed empty.

As he headed into the kitchen to see if he could rustle up another cup of coffee, he found Payne sitting alone at the kitchen table. The older man still appeared weak, though he seemed to be gradually recovering.

“Pull up a chair,” Payne invited, his fingers wrapped around a steaming mug of his own coffee. “Grab a cup. I just made a fresh pot.”

Jake did. The coffee tasted strong, just the way he liked it.

Payne talked mostly about generalities, the ranch, his livestock and how much he loved Mustang Valley. Genevieve drifted in, wearing yoga clothes, smiled at Jake and kissed Payne’s cheek before drifting back out. “I’ll be home in an hour or so,” she said, and left.

She’d barely left for her yoga class when Payne leaned forward, his intense gaze fixed on Jake. “I’m going to have to ask you to take a DNA test you know.”

Jake nodded. “I’ve expected that. And I’ve already done one and sent it in. I’m just waiting on the results. Honestly, I don’t blame you. That’s the only way to make sure.”

“Good, good.” Payne exhaled, clearly relieved. “We’ll get that done as soon as possible. That way there’s no room for doubt.”