Micheline released him, pressing a button on a walkie-talkie on her waist and summoning Fiona and Leigh back in. A moment later, the door opened and the two women entered. Micheline turned to Fiona and smoothed her face into a benevolent look. “I’m entrusting him into your care,” she said, patting the younger woman on the shoulder. “Looking after Jake is to be your only task while he’s here, and he’s to want for nothing, you hear?”

Slowly, Fiona nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

Micheline and Leigh exchanged a look. Jake wasn’t sure what it meant, but it clearly made Fiona uncomfortable.

“Are you all right with that, Jake?” Micheline asked.

Glancing up, he saw both Fiona and Leigh watched him expectantly. He had no idea why it mattered, but he suddenly didn’t want Fiona to think him heartless.

“That’s fine,” he replied.

“Perfect. Fiona, be your best you and take good ca

re of my son,” Micheline reiterated, taking Leigh’s arm and sailing away.

Chapter 2

Be your best you. AAG’s stock phrase and one of many catchy little sound bites Micheline fed like pap to her followers. They set Fiona’s nerves on edge. She swallowed, willing away her embarrassment and hoping Jake didn’t pick up on his mother’s underlying message. Did Micheline and Leigh seriously think she’d fall into bed with Jake simply because the head of AAG wished it?

Undercover while undercover could be a tricky thing.

Luckily, Jake appeared to be oblivious. He watched his mother go, his hard expression at odds with the hurt she could swear she saw briefly flit in his gaze. His broad shoulders and narrow waist filled out his western shirt well and the way his brown hair had started graying at the temples gave him a look of distinction. But his compelling blue eyes were what attracted her the most. Despite his guarded manner, they glowed with warmth.

“What now?” he asked, noticing her staring.

Improvising, since she truly had no idea, Fiona figured she’d first need to find him a place to stay. “Let me get you a room. I imagine you need some time to freshen up after your long drive.”

“That sounds great.” Jake glanced around. “Will I be staying here or somewhere else?”

Crud. Though Fiona had hoped she would, Micheline hadn’t mentioned letting him stay in her house. Despite decreeing that he’d be bunking in the center, Fiona couldn’t imagine a mother wanting her son to stay elsewhere. Still, she knew better than to offer up something that might be wrong. “As far as I know, you’ll be staying here with us. But let me check with Leigh. She’s one of Micheline’s right-hand people.”

He nodded. “Thanks.”

Fiona fingered the walkie-talkie Leigh had given her earlier. Taking a deep breath, she thumbed the unit on, bringing it up to her mouth and murmuring Leigh’s name.

“On my way,” Leigh said. A moment later, she appeared, striding through the room with her usual exuberant self-confidence. Her silky blond hair gleamed, and her long, perfectly toned legs flashed beneath the hem of her short skirt.

When she reached them, Leigh flashed Jake a flirty smile before turning her attention to Fiona. “How can I help?”

Tamping down an irrational flash of jealously, Fiona briefly wondered why Micheline hadn’t chosen Leigh to fix up with her son. This thought stung so badly that Fiona wondered at herself. He might be handsome as all get out, but her job came first. Centering herself, Fiona managed a smile. “Since Jake is going to be staying a few days, I thought I’d find out where he’s—”

“I’ve had a room prepared for him,” Leigh interrupted with a small laugh. “Right across the hall from yours, as a matter of fact.”

It took an effort, but Fiona managed to appear happy about that news. A quick look at Jake reassured her that he didn’t appear to notice Leigh’s innuendo. Thank goodness, because the last thing Fiona needed was fighting off a man who believed he was entitled to anything solely due to being Micheline’s son, even if he really wasn’t.

Though so far, Jake seemed the opposite. Almost as if he too saw through all the BS. Nah. She knew better than to make quick assumptions about anyone, most particularly someone related to this cult.

“Here,” Leigh chirped, batting her false eyelashes. “Take this.” She handed Fiona a one-hundred-dollar bill and a card key similar to the room keys used by hotels. “The two of you go out to dinner tonight, on Micheline, of course. There are several excellent restaurants nearby. Enjoy yourselves and get to know one another.” She simpered prettily. “And if you need a recommendation, please let me know.”

Then, with one more pointed glance at Fiona, Leigh sashayed off.

Every male in the room watched her go.

Except Jake. When Fiona looked up, she caught his gaze fixed on her. Her lips parted, and her heart skipped a beat. “What?” she asked, hating how breathless she sounded.

“I’m just wondering at the difference in my mother’s choice of aides,” he said, shrugging. “You and Leigh are like night and day.”

If only he knew. Handing him the hundred-dollar bill, she flashed an impersonal smile. “If you follow me, I’ll show you to your room.”