
“Why not?” She shrugged. “The longer we wait, the closer we get to whatever horrific event Micheline is planning. I just need enough evidence for an arrest. Failing that, at least enough to obtain a search warrant.”

“I’d think you already would have enough evidence,” he commented. “Especially with her asking you to fleece a college student.”

“I wish. While that was unethical, at least in my opinion, it wasn’t illegal. She offered him a service—self-improvement classes and counseling sessions—for payment. No, I need more than that.”

He could prove nothing about his “mother” without evidence, he realized, and even if he could, he’d only been speculating as to the end result. While Micheline might have acted in an unsavory manner, he had no idea if she’d committed any actual crimes. Gut instinct said yes, but hunches didn’t stand up in court.

Fiona bumped him with her shoulder. “Earth to Jake. What’s going on in that mind of yours?”

He shook his head. “I get what you mean about needing evidence. I’m just trying to come up with the best way to obtain it.”

“I just wish I’d managed to get deeper into Micheline’s inner circle,” Fiona commented. “But Leigh tends to act as a very effective deterrent. No doubt that’s why Micheline keeps her around.”

“Micheline has a certain type she goes for,” he said. “Underneath all that outward self-confidence, I’m willing to bet Leigh is a very insecure person. Maybe even has mommy issues, which is a role Micheline is happy to fill for her.”

“Interesting analysis.” She gave him a considering look. “And actually very good. You’re probably right. Let’s go back.”

Still hand in hand, they strolled toward the entrance and into the lobby.

“One of Micheline’s goons is headed our way. Her security detail, Bart.”

“Ugh.” She made a face. “Something about that guy gives me the creeps.”

“I’m sure that’s the reason Micheline hired him.”

Bart continued sauntering toward them, smiling a smug smile, as if he enjoyed knowing how people reacted to him. When he reached Fiona, he stopped, raking his gaze up and down her.

Fiona’s jaw tightened, but she didn’t react. Jake knew she wanted to, though. Only the fact that she played a role undercover prevented her.

“What’s up?” she asked, her voice cold.

“Just doing my rounds. I thought you were supposed to be in Happiness 101,” he said, referring to the popular seminar going on right now in the auditorium.

“I’ve already done that one,” she replied, her bright smile so false it made Jake’s teeth ache. “I’m actually about to go do self-reflection and then journaling.”

Bart yawned, not bothering to hide his bored expression. “Sounds like fun. Keep after it.” And he sauntered away.

“He’s up to something,” Fiona declared. “Not sure what. If I wasn’t afraid of getting caught, I’d follow him.”

The idea of what a man like Bart might do to a woman like Fiona if he had her alone and up against a wall made Jake cold.

While he knew better than to suggest she take a pass on that one, he also knew he should distract her. “I want to kiss you so damn bad,” he said, telling the truth.

Lifting her chin, she challenged him with her gaze. “What’s stopping you?” she asked.

So he kissed her, right there in the lobby of the AAG center, for all the other guests—and cameras—to see.

* * *

Drowning, Fiona thought. From the instant Jake’s lips touched hers, everything else disappeared. For a few seconds, she kissed him back, allowing herself to get lost in the taste of him, in the feel of his hard body pressed against hers.

But then, as all good things must, she knew it had to come to an end. She had a job to do, after all.

“Whoa,” she teased, stepping back and hoping the entire lobby couldn’t see how hard she was breathing. “Potent stuff. But I really need to stay on track and get back to work. I want to try and find the cells.”

Blue eyes dark, he nodded. “Then let’s look,” he said. “Do you want to split up or search to