Despite the flash of anger that shot through her with Leigh’s statement, Fiona nodded. “Okay, humor me. I’m really trying to understand. What does that mean? Only Micheline’s top people get to avoid the whole ‘let’s get reborn’ thing?”

Some of her bitterness must have shown in her voice. Leigh cocked her head. “Worried, are you? I don’t know, but if I were you, I’d be busting my tail to prove myself an invaluable member of the AAG. Maybe then you, too, could avoid that fate.”

That fate. Almost as if Leigh knew exactly what Micheline would be asking her followers to do. Almost as if she were an accessory to murder. She wondered how someone like Leigh would fare in prison. Not too well, she suspected.

“Anyway, keep this between us for now,” Leigh ordered. “We’re not ready to roll it out yet. Micheline still has a lot of planning to do.”

Though Fiona wanted to ask what would happen if any of the members, such as herself, declined the whole die-and-be-reborn experience, she didn’t want to blow her cover. The devout groupie she’d been playing would probably do whatever Micheline asked.

“Thank you for telling me,” Fiona enthused. “I’m so honored.”

“You should be.” Leigh beamed at her. “How are things going with Jake?”

“Hmm.” Noncommittal, Fiona grimaced. “He’s wanting to go too fast,” she said. “I need to focus on my studies.”

“He’s falling for you? Perfect!” Clapping her hands, Leigh jumped up and down. “Micheline will be so excited!”


“Why not? Come on now, Fiona. Show a little enthusiasm. You are rocking this assignment.” She peered at Fiona, considering. “You know, this might just be enough to distract Micheline from your failure with Theodore. He never returned any of our calls about scheduling some seminars.”

Good. Even though Fiona hung her head as if ashamed, inwardly she rejoiced.

“You must do better,” Leigh chided. “That assignment was handpicked for you by Micheline herself. If you don’t watch it, she’ll be sending you out to campus to troll for your own students.”

Fiona nearly snapped her head up at that. She definitely didn’t need to get sent somewhere outside the AAG center. That would defeat the entire purpose of her undercover assignment.

“I’ll try harder with Jake,” she responded meekly. And she would. Jake had agreed to work with her. He would simply have to figure out a way to separate emotion from the job. Especially since Leigh had hinted at mass suicide.

“See that you do.” Smiling again, Leigh looked Fiona up and down. “Maybe you need to dress a little bit sexier, you know?”

Startled, Fiona shook her head. “I don’t have—”

“Oh, that’s right,” Leigh interrupted. “You only had the clothes on your back when we rescued you and took you in.” The subtle reminder wasn’t lost on Fiona, who managed to nod and look embarrassed.

“No problem,” Leigh continued on cheerfully. “I’ll have some things sent over. You must keep Jake Andrews interested enough to stick around. Micheline really needs him to be here at least ten more days.”

A time frame. Though inwardly she perked up, Fiona took care not to reveal anything of her interest. “Ten days, huh? I’ll figure out something.”

“See that you do.” Turning to her computer, Leigh clicked her mouse and began to read whatever she had on the screen, clearly dismissing Fiona.

* * *

Jake saw Fiona coming across the lobby, and his entire body tensed. Judging by her purposeful stride and the intent look on her beautiful face as she headed his way, she wanted to talk to him. He braced himself against the hopeless rush of attraction and waited.

“Do you have a minute?” she asked, her curt tone pitched low. “For a walk outside?”

He shrugged, deliberately casual. “Sure. Why not?”

When she slipped her small hand into his, he couldn’t prevent his instinctive initial reaction—shock. But then he tightened his fingers around hers.

Neither spoke until they were several hundred feet down the driveway. “What’s going on?” he asked finally.

“I just got out of a meeting with Leigh.” She shook her head. “I’m to do whatever it takes to keep you around here at least ten more days.”

As she’d probably known he would, he picked up on the time frame immediately. “Ten days? What’s going on in ten days?”

“I don’t know for sure,” she said slowly. “But judging from what Leigh was hinting at, it’s not going to be good.”