“What’s up?” she asked.

“Not much,” he answered, his tone cheerful. “I wanted to check in with you and see if you’ve learned anything new.”

“I might. That depends.” She told him about the basement and the possibility of cells or a jail of some sort under the house. “I’m working on trying to gain access,” she said. “They also had me working on some poor college freshman, trying to get him to sign up for seminars at a grand a pop. They prey on people who are desperate enough to try anything.”

“True. Unfortunately, as long as their victims receive what they were promised for their money, it’s not a crime.”

“I know. But there’s more, though I don’t have concrete evidence yet. Our intel is correct. Micheline is planning something big, though I haven’t been able to learn yet what it might be. I’m trying really hard to gain the welcome coordinator’s confidence.”


“Yep. And they’ve assigned me to get close to the son in order to get him to stick around.” She shot a quick glance at Jake, who continued to watch the road, though she knew he was listening.

“What’s he like?” Holden asked.

“Jake? Oh, he’s all right,” she replied, grinning. “He’s easy on the eyes, so that helps.”

“Well, that’s good, I suppose. As long as he’s not another one of those crazy cult members.” Holden sounded amused. “Keep me posted if anything changes.”

She promised she would and ended the call. “My colleague,” she explained. “I try to keep him updated periodically, but I can only do it when I’m not at the center.”

“Makes sense.” He eyed her thoughtfully. “Is it hard to play your role?”

“Sometimes,” she admitted. “Especially when I have to do something that’s abhorrent to me, like try and fleece a young college student. But I know it’s for the greater good in the end. Once we get enough information to arrest and convict Micheline, I’ll be proud of myself for doing my job so well.”

“I’ll be looking forward to that day, too.”

A thought occurred to her. Crazy, maybe. But she could use all the help she could get.

“Maybe you should play along, too,” she said, not sure how he’d receive this idea.

As she’d expected, Jake shot her an incredulous look. “Play along how?”

“Well, clearly Micheline needs you for some part of her plan. What if you were a willing participant?” When he started to speak, she held up her hand. “Hear me out. As you know, Micheline is all about two things. Money and power. If you can convince her that you crave those as well, she might be willing to let you in on her little plan.”

“The woman switched me with another baby at birth.” The flat note in his voice and the tight set of his jaw spoke volumes. “Why would she care what I want?”

The more she considered, the more she liked the idea. “If it benefits her, she’ll care a lot.”

“No.” Just that. Nothing more.

“I understand.” She shrugged. “I’ll admit that I’m disappointed, too, but I get it. Sort of.”

As she’d suspected it might, her response earned her another sharp, sideways


“It’d make your skin crawl,” she continued. “I know it does mine. Everything that woman stands for is the opposite of my own beliefs.”

“But if in the end, what you do helps keep her from hurting other people, it’s worth it,” Jake finished for her. “No need to pile it on any thicker. I get it. I’ll do it. Or at least try. What do you suggest?”

Now it was her turn to eye him. “Tell her you want to meet with her. Refuse to take no for an answer. Then, when you do, tell her you want something in return for all the grief she’s caused you. Play it by ear. I guarantee she’ll relate.”

“Oh, she’ll relate,” he said, his voice grim. “Greed is one of her highest motivators.”

Fiona nodded. “Remember, don’t do anything that will put you in any sort of danger. But if you can get her to think you’re completely on board, and she might stand to gain financially, then you might be able to learn something important.”

“Why not?” he said. “It’ll keep me from getting bored, plus I’ll feel as if I’m actually contributing toward Micheline’s downfall.”