When he finally emerged again, she still waited.

“I’m good,” he said, aware she’d no doubt heard the shower.

“Then let’s go.” And she took his hand.

Of course, his body jolted again when she slipped her slender fingers into his hand. Ignoring it, he concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, well aware that somewhere Micheline or one of her people would be watching.

Outside, he took deep gulps of the dry, fresh air.

They walked in silence, and Fiona didn’t speak until they’d rounded a curve in the drive and put the house out of view. She stopped, tugging on his hand to make sure he did, too. Gazing down at her upturned face, for one heart-stopping moment he thought he might kiss her. But he remembered why they’d come out here, and didn’t.

“I’m deciding to trust you,” she said, her expression both vulnerable and earnest. “If you betray my trust, for whatever reason, know that you’ll put numerous lives at risk, not least of all my own.”

Not sure if she was being overly dramatic or her words were really honest, he simply nodded for her to continue.

She took a deep breath. “I’m really not sure I should do this,” she mumbled. “But here goes. I’m an undercover FBI agent. I’m investigating the cult and Micheline.”

It took a few heartbeats for her words to even register. Shock. Then, thinking of the way she’d fought, understanding.

“You’re serious?” he finally asked.

“Yes. That’s why I can’t leave. And why I don’t need to go see a deprogrammer. Micheline is planning something big, something awful, though we don’t yet know what. In addition to that, we’ve received numerous complaints about her swindling money. Lots of money.”

“You are serious,” he repeated, shocked and stunned and overjoyed all at once. “That means you really aren’t a brainwashed cultist.”

“No, but I’m here to play one.”

Just then he realized the chance she’d taken, trusting him. She’d risked her entire mission—maybe even her life—by trusting him. That was huge. Beyond huge.

He reached for her and she met him halfway.

As their lips met, he realized he’d just gained another reason to stay a bit longer. Now that he knew Fiona wasn’t actually brainwashed, he could allow his burgeoning feelings full reign. And if Fiona planned to take Micheline and her cult down, he wanted to be here to see it.

Keeping the kiss short, he broke away. “Let’s go back to my room.”

“And finish what we started?” One brow arched, she smiled.

But it was the vulnerability still lingering in her dark eyes that undid him. “Yes,” he said, grabbing her hand.

Chapter 6

Telling Jake made her feel as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her chest. She could breathe again, move again and let herself make love honestly again. Micheline and Leigh be damned.

I’ve jeopardized my mission, a little voice whispered inside her head. But no, she’d carefully considered. Jake had wanted to get her out, away from these people. There was no way in hell he was in with them. Especially after what Micheline had done to him.

They raced through the front door, through the lobby, earning more than a few curious stares. Instead of the elevator, they took the stairs, running up the steps hand in hand.

Once inside his room, he secured the door by putting the desk chair under the knob. When he turned, the raw need blazing from his face took her breath away.

“Come here, you,” he said, holding out his arms.

Without hesitation, she went to him and wrapped herself around him.

“It’s okay,” he told her, nuzzling her neck. “I’m going to stay a little longer and help you.”

She pulled him down to her, meeting his mouth with hers. Not only to silence him, but because she needed to kiss him as much as she needed to breathe.

This time, as they came together, tasting, touching, allowing the craving to blossom, she felt her eyes sting with the beginning of tears. “Please give me your word that you won’t reveal what I’ve told you. I know you won’t, but I just need to hear you say it.”