Almost instantly, Leigh appeared, making Fiona wonder if the other woman had been watching for her.

“Well?” Leigh demanded. “How’d it go?”

“He said he’s going to think about it.”

Leigh pursed her bright pink lips together. “You’ll give him a day. Then I want you to start pressuring him. At least get him to sign up for the first seminar. Most times, that’s all it takes. One class to open their eyes to the boundless possibilities we can lay out in front of them.”

It took an effort not to roll her eyes. “Okay. I’m guessing you have his phone number?”

“Of course,” Leigh purred. “I’ll text it to you. I want you to call him first thing in the morning.”

Fiona nodded. “Will do.” She eyed the other woman. Leigh always seemed to be posing for something, as if she carried her beauty queen title into every second of her existence.

“Jake went out today, too,” Leigh said, flipping her blond curls over her shoulder. She looked around the room before pinning her sharp gaze on Fiona, clearly watching for a reaction.

Not sure how to respond, Fiona said nothing.

“I think he was looking for you before he left,” Leigh continued.

This got Fiona’s attention. “Was he? Did he specifically say that?”

“Well, no.” Leigh giggled. “Not in so many words. But it was pretty obvious. He was wandering around the first floor as if he was looking for something or someone. I’m guessing that most likely was you.”

“Or Micheline,” Fiona put in. “She still needs to meet privately with him.”

“How do you know she hasn’t?” The unrelenting, fake cheerfulness in Leigh’s voice had Fiona clenching her teeth.

“Has she?”

Leigh tittered. “No. She’s really very busy.”

“I’m sure Jake is, too. As a matter of fact, he mentioned something about leaving soon.”

Just like that, her words managed to wipe the smile off Leigh’s face. “He can’t,?

? she said flatly. “Do whatever you have to, but make him stay.”


Leigh blinked. “Are you questioning me? Seriously?”

“Yes.” Crossing her arms, Fiona regarded the younger woman steadily. “I am. I need to understand why it’s so important that Jake stay when it’s clear Micheline doesn’t find him a priority at all.”

Just like that, all traces of friendliness disappeared from Leigh’s face. “That is not for you to question, do you understand?” She waited a beat for Fiona to respond. When she didn’t, Leigh repeated the question. “Do. You. Understand?”

The fury in Leigh’s voice overrode Fiona’s own innate stubbornness. Slowly, she nodded. She rearranged her expression, hoping she appeared abashed, even though inside she was seething.

“Good. Now.” Leigh reached out and touched her shoulder, all friendly and confident again. “I want you to go look for Jake. Hang on him, bat those pretty brown eyes of yours, lay it on thick, do whatever you have to, but get him to stay.” She paused to take a breath. “I’m counting on you. Micheline is counting on you. Heck, the entire AAG is counting on you.”

That big? Deliberately, Fiona widened her eyes. “I’m honored,” she whispered. “I’ll do my best not to disappoint anyone.”

“See that you don’t,” Leigh snapped. Then, softening her tone, she told Fiona how much Micheline valued her presence. “We all do,” Leigh said, her earnest expression as intense as her tone. “We’re committed to helping you become the best you.”

“Of course,” Fiona murmured, bowing her head. “And I promise that I won’t let you down.”

She couldn’t help but catch Leigh’s self-satisfied smirk as she turned away.

Head down, Fiona made it to her room. After closing the door, she debated taking a second shower, as if by doing so she could wash some of the icky feeling off her. She’d known coming in that she might be called upon to do things she considered unethical. She simply needed to do a better job of reconciling herself to being Micheline and Leigh’s obedient little cultist.